An error occurred while loading the file. Please try again.
Kurzenberger authored0e5e6553
// Set this if you want to run the script for one component only. Otherwise leave empty.
define('CLI_SCRIPT', true);
$user = \core_user::get_user(2);
$rc = new \ReflectionClass(\core_privacy\manager::class);
$rcm = $rc->getMethod('get_component_list');
$manager = new \core_privacy\manager();
$components = $rcm->invoke($manager);
$list = (object) [
'good' => [],
'bad' => [],
foreach ($components as $component) {
if ($CHECK_COMPONENT && $component !== $CHECK_COMPONENT) {
$compliant = $manager->component_is_compliant($component);
if ($compliant) {
$list->good[] = $component;
} else {
$list->bad[] = $component;
echo "The following plugins are not compliant:\n";
echo "=> " . implode("\n=> ", array_values($list->bad)) . "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "Testing the compliant plugins:\n";
foreach ($list->good as $component) {
$classname = \core_privacy\manager::get_provider_classname_for_component($component);
echo "== {$component} ($classname) ==\n";
if (check_implements($component, \core_privacy\local\metadata\null_provider::class)) {
echo " Claims not to store any data with reason:\n";
echo " '" . get_string($classname::get_reason(), $component) . "'\n";
else if (check_implements($component, \core_privacy\local\metadata\provider::class)) {
$collection = new \core_privacy\local\metadata\collection($component);
$count = count($collection->get_collection());
echo " Found {$count} items of metadata\n";
if (empty($count)) {
echo "!!! No metadata found!!! This an error.\n";
if (check_implements($component, \core_privacy\local\request\user_preference_provider::class)) {
$userprefdescribed = false;
foreach ($collection->get_collection() as $item) {
if ($item instanceof \core_privacy\local\metadata\types\user_preference) {
$userprefdescribed = true;
echo " ".$item->assignsubmission_dta_get_name()." : ".get_string($item->get_summary(), $component) . "\n";
if (!$userprefdescribed) {
echo "!!! User preference found, but was not described in metadata\n";
if (check_implements($component, \core_privacy\local\request\core_user_data_provider::class)) {
// No need to check the return type - it's enforced by the interface.
$contextlist = $classname::get_contexts_for_userid($user->id);
$approvedcontextlist = new \core_privacy\local\request\approved_contextlist($user, $contextlist->get_component(), $contextlist->get_contextids());
if (count($approvedcontextlist)) {
echo " Successfully ran a test export\n";
} else {
echo " Nothing to export.\n";
if (check_implements($component, \core_privacy\local\request\shared_data_provider::class)) {
echo " This is a shared data provider\n";
echo "\n\n== Done ==\n";
function check_implements($component, $interface) {
$manager = new \core_privacy\manager();
$rc = new \ReflectionClass(\core_privacy\manager::class);
$rcm = $rc->getMethod('component_implements');
return $rcm->invoke($manager, $component, $interface);