Commit 6bf26787 authored by Lückemeyer's avatar Lückemeyer
Browse files

fixed messages and competency body

1 merge request!1Coding style and recommendations
Showing with 15 additions and 11 deletions
+15 -11
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......@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ $string["submission_settings_label_help"] = "single text file with DTA test URI
$string["enabled_help"] = "If enabled, you will have to upload a textfile containing a valid DTA URI pointing to the repository with your test logic and defining a docker image on dockerhub used as testrunner. Your students will have to either upload their code in a zip archive resembling the expected repository structure or as well by providing a textifle with a valid DTA URI pointing to the repository with their submission logic";
// Content.
$string["tests_successful"] = " tests successful";
$string["failures"] = " failures";
$string["compilation_errors"] = " compilation error(s)";
$string["unknown_state"] = " test(s) with unknown state";
$string["sucess_competencies"] = "Successfully tested competency profile";
$string["tests_successful"] = " successful";
$string["failures"] = " failure";
$string["compilation_errors"] = " compilation error";
$string["unknown_state"] = " with unknown state";
$string["success_competencies"] = "Successfully tested competency profile";
$string["summary"] = "Summary";
$string["total_items"] = "Total items";
$string["success_rate"] = "Success rate";
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ $string["comp_proc_sign"] = "Procedure Signature";
$string["comp_library"] = "Library Usage";
$string["comp_ext_api"] = "External API Usage";
$string["comp_simple"] = "Simplicity";
$stirng["comp_abstraction"] = "Abstraction";
$string["comp_abstraction"] = "Abstraction";
// Competencies for index calculation.
$string["comp1"] = $string["comp_statement"];
......@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
class DtaResult {
// Broadly used in logic, parametrized for easier change.
const COMPONENT_NAME = "assignsubmission_dta";
public $packagename;
public $classname;
public $name;
......@@ -45,13 +48,13 @@ class DtaResult {
public static function getstatename(int $state): string {
if ($state == 1) {
return "success";
return get_string("tests_successful", self::COMPONENT_NAME);
} else if ($state == 2) {
return "failed";
return get_string("failures", self::COMPONENT_NAME);
} else if ($state == 3) {
return "compilation error";
return get_string("compilation_errors", self::COMPONENT_NAME);
} else {
return "unknown";
return get_string("unknown_state", self::COMPONENT_NAME);
......@@ -198,7 +198,8 @@ class ViewSubmissionUtils {
// Add empty div for spacing between summary and compentency table.
$html .= html_writer::empty_tag("div", ["class" => "dtaSpacer"]);
$body = "";
$tmp = "";
$tmp .= html_writer::tag("th", get_string("competencies", self::COMPONENT_NAME), ["class" => "dtaTableHeader"]);
$tmp .= html_writer::empty_tag("th", ["class" => "dtaTableHeader"]);
Supports Markdown
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