Commit a9ea21c0 authored by Rosanny Sihombing's avatar Rosanny Sihombing
Browse files

Merge branch 'MLAB-369' into 'testing'

MLAB-369: add bootsrap card-deck

See merge request !30
parents de5fe093 86f077fd
Pipeline #1271 passed with stage
in 10 seconds
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ html(lang="de")
p#pagesCounter #{pages.length} Projektinformationen werden angezeigt
| <div class="row">
for item in pages
div(class="py-4 col-sm")
div(class="card-deck py-4 col-sm")
div(class="card", style="width: 18rem;")
h5(class="card-title-bottom-left") #{}
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ html(lang="de")
p#projectCounter #{project.length} Projektdaten werden angezeigt
| <div class="row">
for item in project
div(class="py-4 col-sm")
div(class="card-deck py-4 col-sm")
div(class="card", style="width: 18rem;")
h5(class="card-title-bottom-left") #{}
Markdown is supported
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