Commit 09696cce authored by Wolfgang Knopki's avatar Wolfgang Knopki
Browse files

Merge branch 'knopkiwg-master-patch-41178' into 'master'

Update .gitlab-ci.yml, fixed config file variable pointing to testing

See merge request !114
parents 25fc154a f0083baf
Pipeline #4836 passed with stage
in 11 seconds
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ deploy-master:
- cp -R ./public/default ./built/public
- cp -R ./routes/cert ./built/routes
- cp -R ./views ./built
- cat $configfiledev > ./built/config/config.js
- cat $configfileprod > ./built/config/config.js
- cat $cert > ./built/routes/cert/cert.pem
- cat $certidp > ./built/routes/cert/cert_idp.pem
- cat $key > ./built/routes/cert/key.pem
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