Commit ebeabd22 authored by Wolfgang Knopki's avatar Wolfgang Knopki
Browse files

changed password change request to account/

parent 84e22d54
Pipeline #572 passed with stage
in 8 seconds
Showing with 1 addition and 1 deletion
+1 -1
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ html(lang="de")
for error, i in errors #{ error }
a(class="close", href="#", data-dismiss="alert", aria-label="close") ×
form(class="needs-validation", method="post", action="/changePwd" novalidate)
form(class="needs-validation", method="post", action="/account/changePwd" novalidate)
div(class="form-group row")
label(for="currPwd") Aktuelles Passwort
input(id="inputCurrPwd", name="inputCurrPwd", type="password", class="form-control" required)
Supports Markdown
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