Commit fc41f1cd authored by Wolfgang Knopki's avatar Wolfgang Knopki
Browse files

Update config.js, db links und idp links updated

parent df55a9cc
......@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ module.exports = {
strategy: 'saml',
saml: {
path: process.env.SAML_PATH || '/saml/SSO',
entryPoint: process.env.SAML_ENTRY_POINT || '',
entryPoint: process.env.SAML_ENTRY_POINT || '',
//issuer: '', //local metadata
issuer: '', //testing metadata
//issuer: '', //production metadata
logoutUrl: ''
//issuer: '', //testing metadata
issuer: '', //production metadata
logoutUrl: ''
database: {
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module.exports = {
password: 'Stuttgart2019', // DB password
port: 3306, // MySQL port
dbUser: 'userdb', // User DB
host_project: '', // DB host project db
host_project: '', // DB host project db
//host_project: 'localhost', // local
dbProject: 'projectDB' // Project DB
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