Commit 998ec3a9 authored by Patrick's avatar Patrick
Browse files

index.html, und 72 weitere dateien aktualisiert...

parent 16ad534b
language: node_js
- "4"
- "6"
- "node"
script: npm run travis
- '[ "${TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION}" != "0.10" ] || npm install -g npm'
# CSS Modules: Values
Pass arbitrary values between your module files
### Usage
/* colors.css */
@value primary: #BF4040;
@value secondary: #1F4F7F;
.text-primary {
color: primary;
.text-secondary {
color: secondary;
/* breakpoints.css */
@value small: (max-width: 599px);
@value medium: (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 959px);
@value large: (min-width: 960px);
/* my-component.css */
/* alias paths for other values or composition */
@value colors: "./colors.css";
/* import multiple from a single file */
@value primary, secondary from colors;
/* make local aliases to imported values */
@value small as bp-small, large as bp-large from "./breakpoints.css";
.header {
composes: text-primary from colors;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px secondary;
@media bp-small {
.header {
box-shadow: 0 0 4px secondary;
@media bp-large {
.header {
box-shadow: 0 0 20px secondary;
**If you are using Sass** along with this PostCSS plugin, do not use the colon `:` in your `@value` definitions. It will cause Sass to crash.
Note also you can _import_ multiple values at once but can only _define_ one value per line.
@value a: b, c: d; /* defines a as "b, c: d" */
### Justification
See [this PR]( for more background
## License
## With thanks
- Mark Dalgleish
- Tobias Koppers
- Josh Johnston
Glen Maddern, 2015.
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _slicedToArray = function () { function sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } return function (arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } }; }();
var _postcss = require('postcss');
var _postcss2 = _interopRequireDefault(_postcss);
var _icssReplaceSymbols = require('icss-replace-symbols');
var _icssReplaceSymbols2 = _interopRequireDefault(_icssReplaceSymbols);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
var matchImports = /^(.+?|\([\s\S]+?\))\s+from\s+("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[\w-]+)$/;
var matchValueDefinition = /(?:\s+|^)([\w-]+):?\s+(.+?)\s*$/g;
var matchImport = /^([\w-]+)(?:\s+as\s+([\w-]+))?/;
var options = {};
var importIndex = 0;
var createImportedName = options && options.createImportedName || function (importName /*, path*/) {
return 'i__const_' + importName.replace(/\W/g, '_') + '_' + importIndex++;
exports.default = _postcss2.default.plugin('postcss-modules-values', function () {
return function (css, result) {
var importAliases = [];
var definitions = {};
var addDefinition = function addDefinition(atRule) {
var matches = void 0;
while (matches = matchValueDefinition.exec(atRule.params)) {
var _matches = matches;
var _matches2 = _slicedToArray(_matches, 3);
var /*match*/key = _matches2[1];
var value = _matches2[2];
// Add to the definitions, knowing that values can refer to each other
definitions[key] = (0, _icssReplaceSymbols.replaceAll)(definitions, value);
var addImport = function addImport(atRule) {
var matches = matchImports.exec(atRule.params);
if (matches) {
var _matches3 = _slicedToArray(matches, 3);
var /*match*/aliases = _matches3[1];
var path = _matches3[2];
// We can use constants for path names
if (definitions[path]) path = definitions[path];
var imports = aliases.replace(/^\(\s*([\s\S]+)\s*\)$/, '$1').split(/\s*,\s*/).map(function (alias) {
var tokens = matchImport.exec(alias);
if (tokens) {
var _tokens = _slicedToArray(tokens, 3);
var /*match*/theirName = _tokens[1];
var _tokens$ = _tokens[2];
var myName = _tokens$ === undefined ? theirName : _tokens$;
var importedName = createImportedName(myName);
definitions[myName] = importedName;
return { theirName: theirName, importedName: importedName };
} else {
throw new Error('@import statement "' + alias + '" is invalid!');
importAliases.push({ path: path, imports: imports });
/* Look at all the @value statements and treat them as locals or as imports */
css.walkAtRules('value', function (atRule) {
if (matchImports.exec(atRule.params)) {
} else {
if (atRule.params.indexOf('@value') !== -1) {
result.warn('Invalid value definition: ' + atRule.params);
/* We want to export anything defined by now, but don't add it to the CSS yet or
it well get picked up by the replacement stuff */
var exportDeclarations = Object.keys(definitions).map(function (key) {
return _postcss2.default.decl({
value: definitions[key],
prop: key,
raws: { before: "\n " }
/* If we have no definitions, don't continue */
if (!Object.keys(definitions).length) return;
/* Perform replacements */
(0, _icssReplaceSymbols2.default)(css, definitions);
/* Add export rules if any */
if (exportDeclarations.length > 0) {
var exportRule = _postcss2.default.rule({
selector: ':export',
raws: { after: "\n" }
/* Add import rules */
importAliases.reverse().forEach(function (_ref) {
var path = _ref.path;
var imports = _ref.imports;
var importRule = _postcss2.default.rule({
selector: ':import(' + path + ')',
raws: { after: "\n" }
imports.forEach(function (_ref2) {
var theirName = _ref2.theirName;
var importedName = _ref2.importedName;
value: theirName,
prop: importedName,
raws: { before: "\n " }
module.exports = exports['default'];
\ No newline at end of file
# Change Log
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## 6.0.23
* Fix parsing nested at-rules without semicolon, params, and spaces.
## 6.0.22
* Fix `Node#prev` and `Node#next` on missed parent.
## 6.0.21
* Rename Chinese docs to fix `` issue.
## 6.0.20
* Better error message on `null` as input CSS.
## 6.0.19
* Fix TypeScript definitions for source maps (by Oleh Kuchuk).
* Fix `source` field in TypeScript definitions (by Sylvain Pollet-Villard).
## 6.0.18
* Use primitive object in TypeScript definitions (by Sylvain Pollet-Villard).
## 6.0.17
* Fix parsing comment in selector between word tokens (by Oleh Kuchuk).
## 6.0.16
* Fix warning text (by Michael Keller).
## 6.0.15
* Add warning about missed `from` option on `process().then()` call.
* Add IE 10 support.
## 6.0.14
* Fix TypeScript definitions (by Jed Mao).
## 6.0.13
* Fix TypeScript definitions for case of multiple PostCSS versions
in `node_modules` (by Chris Eppstein).
* Use `source-map` 0.6.
## 6.0.12
* Don’t copy `*` hack to declaration indent.
## 6.0.11
* Add upper case `!IMPORTANT` support.
## 6.0.10
* Reduce PostCSS size in webpack bundle.
## 6.0.9
* Improve error message for plugin with old PostCSS (by Igor Adamenko).
## 6.0.8
* Fix Node.js 4.2.2 support.
## 6.0.7
* Fix base64 decoding for old Node.js and browser.
## 6.0.6
* Fix `end` position in at-rule without semicolon (by Oleh Kuchuk).
## 6.0.5
* Move Babel config from `package.json` for `node_modules` compiling cases.
## 6.0.4
* Fix parsing `;;` after rules.
* Use Chalk 2.0.
## 6.0.3
* Fix escape sequences parsing (by Oleh Kuchuk).
* Added ability to force disable colors with an environment variable.
* Improved color detection of some terminal apps.
## 6.0.2
* Keep `raws.before` on moving `Root` children to new `Root`.
## 6.0.1
* Fix parser extensibility to use it in Safe Parser.
## 6.0 “Marquis Orias”
* Remove node.js 0.12 support.
* Remove deprecated method from PostCSS 4.
* Insert methods remove child from previous parent, instead of closing.
* Insert methods and cloning doesn’t clean `raws` anymore.
* Methods `moveTo`, `moveAfter`, `moveBefore` were deprecated.
* Options was changed in `Plugin#process(css, processOptions, pluginOptions)`.
* Add stream parser to reduce memory usage (by Oleh Kuchuk).
* Add `before()`/`after()` shortcuts for `node.parent.insertBefore(node, x)`.
* Add `Rule#raws.ownSemicolon` for semicolon after templates for `@apply`.
* Use `babel-preset-env` to compile npm package.
* Remove `js-base64` from dependencies (by Roman Dvornov).
* Fix error message on single `:` in CSS.
* Move tests to Jest.
* Clean up test (by Gabriel Kalani).
## 5.2.18
* Fix TypeScript definitions for case of multiple PostCSS versions
in `node_modules` (by Chris Eppstein).
## 5.2.17
* Add `postcss-sass` suggestion to syntax error on `.sass` input.
## 5.2.16
* Better error on wrong argument in node constructor.
## 5.2.15
* Fix TypeScript definitions (by bumbleblym).
## 5.2.14
* Fix browser bundle building in webpack (by janschoenherr).
## 5.2.13
* Do not add comment to important raws.
* Fix JSDoc (by Dmitry Semigradsky).
## 5.2.12
* Fix typo in deprecation message (by Garet McKinley).
## 5.2.11
* Fix TypeScript definitions (by Jed Mao).
## 5.2.10
* Fix TypeScript definitions (by Jed Mao).
## 5.2.9
* Update TypeScript definitions (by Jed Mao).
## 5.2.8
* Fix error message (by Ben Briggs).
## 5.2.7
* Better error message on syntax object in plugins list.
## 5.2.6
* Fix `postcss.vendor` for values with spaces (by 刘祺).
## 5.2.5
* Better error message on unclosed string (by Ben Briggs).
## 5.2.4
* Improve terminal CSS syntax highlight (by Simon Lydell).
## 5.2.3
* Better color highlight in syntax error code frame.
* Fix color highlight support in old systems.
## 5.2.2
* Update `Processor#version`.
## 5.2.1
* Fix source map path for CSS without `from` option (by Michele Locati).
## 5.2 “Duke Vapula”
* Add syntax highlight to code frame in syntax error (by Andrey Popp).
* Use Babel code frame style and size in syntax error.
* Add `[` and `]` tokens to parse `[attr=;] {}` correctly.
* Add `ignoreErrors` options to tokenizer (by Andrey Popp).
* Fix error position on tab indent (by Simon Lydell).
## 5.1.2
* Suggests SCSS/Less parsers on parse errors depends on file extension.
## 5.1.1
* Fix TypeScript definitions (by Efremov Alexey).
## 5.1 “King and President Zagan”
* Add URI in source map support (by Mark Finger).
* Add `map.from` option (by Mark Finger).
* Add `<no source>` mappings for nodes without source (by Bogdan Chadkin).
* Add function value support to `map.prev` option (by Chris Montoro).
* Add declaration value type check in shortcut creating (by 刘祺).
* `Result#warn` now returns new created warning.
* Don’t call plugin creator in `postcss.plugin` call.
* Add source maps to PostCSS ES5 build.
* Add JSDoc to PostCSS classes.
* Clean npm package from unnecessary docs.
## 5.0.21
* Fix support with input source mao with `utf8` encoding name.
## 5.0.20
* Fix between raw value parsing (by David Clark).
* Update TypeScript definitions (by Jed Mao).
* Clean fake node.source after `append(string)`.
## 5.0.19
* Fix indent-based syntaxes support.
## 5.0.18
* Parse new lines according W3C CSS syntax specification.
## 5.0.17
* Fix options argument in `Node#warn` (by Ben Briggs).
* Fix TypeScript definitions (by Jed Mao).
## 5.0.16
* Fix CSS syntax error position on unclosed quotes.
## 5.0.15
* Fix `Node#clone()` on `null` value somewhere in node.
## 5.0.14
* Allow to use PostCSS in webpack bundle without JSON loader.
## 5.0.13
* Fix `index` and `word` options in `Warning#toString` (by Bogdan Chadkin).
* Fix input source content loading in errors.
* Fix map options on using `LazyResult` as input CSS.
* 100% test coverage.
* Use Babel 6.
## 5.0.12
* Allow passing a previous map with no mappings (by Andreas Lind).
## 5.0.11
* Increase plugins performance by 1.5 times.
## 5.0.10
* Fix warning from nodes without source.
## 5.0.9
* Fix source map type detection (by @asan).
## 5.0.8
* Fixed a missed step in `5.0.7` that caused the module to be published as
ES6 code.
## 5.0.7
* PostCSS now requires that node 0.12 is installed via the engines property
in package.json (by Howard Zuo).
## 5.0.6
* Fix parsing nested at-rule without semicolon (by Matt Drake).
* Trim `Declaration#value` (by Bogdan Chadkin).
## 5.0.5
* Fix multi-tokens property parsing (by Matt Drake).
## 5.0.4
* Fix start position in `Root#source`.
* Fix source map annotation, when CSS uses `\r\n` (by Mohammad Younes).
## 5.0.3
* Fix `url()` parsing.
* Fix using `selectors` in `Rule` constructor.
* Add start source to `Root` node.
## 5.0.2
* Fix `remove(index)` to be compatible with 4.x plugin.
## 5.0.1
* Fix PostCSS 4.x plugins compatibility.
* Fix type definition loading (by Jed Mao).
## 5.0 “President Valac”
* Remove `safe` option. Move Safe Parser to separate project.
* `Node#toString` does not include `before` for root nodes.
* Remove plugin returning `Root` API.
* Remove Promise polyfill for node.js 0.10.
* Deprecate `eachInside`, `eachDecl`, `eachRule`, `eachAtRule` and `eachComment`
in favor of `walk`, `walkDecls`, `walkRules`, `walkAtRules` and `walkComments`
(by Jed Mao).
* Deprecate `Container#remove` and `Node#removeSelf`
in favor of `Container#removeChild` and `Node#remove` (by Ben Briggs).
* Deprecate `Node#replace` in favor of `replaceWith` (by Ben Briggs).
* Deprecate raw properties in favor of `Node#raws` object.
* Deprecate `Node#style` in favor of `raw`.
* Deprecate `CssSyntaxError#generated` in favor of `input`.
* Deprecate `Node#cleanStyles` in favor of `cleanRaws`.
* Deprecate `Root#prevMap` in favor of ``.
* Add `syntax`, `parser` and `stringifier` options for Custom Syntaxes.
* Add stringifier option to `Node#toString`.
* Add `Result#content` alias for non-CSS syntaxes.
* Add `plugin.process(css)` shortcut to every plugin function (by Ben Briggs).
* Add multiple nodes support to insert methods (by Jonathan Neal).
* Add `Node#warn` shortcut (by Ben Briggs).
* Add `word` and `index` options to errors and warnings (by David Clark).
* Add `line`, `column` properties to `Warning`.
* Use `supports-color` library to detect color support in error output.
* Add type definitions for TypeScript plugin developers (by Jed Mao).
* `Rule#selectors` setter detects separators.
* Add `postcss.stringify` method.
* Throw descriptive errors for incorrectly formatted plugins.
* Add docs to npm release.
* Fix `url()` parsing.
* Fix Windows support (by Jed Mao).
## 4.1.16
* Fix errors without stack trace.
## 4.1.15
* Allow asynchronous plugins to change processor plugins list (by Ben Briggs).
## 4.1.14
* Fix for plugins packs defined by `postcss.plugin`.
## 4.1.13
* Fix input inlined source maps with UTF-8 encoding.
## 4.1.12
* Update Promise polyfill.
## 4.1.11
* Fix error message on wrong plugin format.
## 4.1.10
* Fix Promise behavior on sync plugin errors.
* Automatically fill `plugin` field in `CssSyntaxError`.
* Fix warning message (by Ben Briggs).
## 4.1.9
* Speed up `node.clone()`.
## 4.1.8
* Accepts `Processor` instance in `postcss()` constructor too.
## 4.1.7
* Speed up `postcss.list` (by Bogdan Chadkin).
## 4.1.6
* Fix Promise behavior on parsing error.
## 4.1.5
* Parse at-words in declaration values.
## 4.1.4
* Fix Promise polyfill dependency (by Anton Yakushev and Matija Marohnić).
## 4.1.3
* Add Promise polyfill for node.js 0.10 and IE.
## 4.1.2
* List helpers can be accessed independently `var space =`.
## 4.1.1
* Show deprecated message only once.
## 4.1 “Marquis Andras”
* Asynchronous plugin support.
* Add warnings from plugins and `Result#messages`.
* Add `postcss.plugin()` to create plugins with a standard API.
* Insert nodes by CSS string.
* Show version warning message on error from an outdated plugin.
* Send `Result` instance to plugins as the second argument.
* Add `CssSyntaxError#plugin`.
* Add `CssSyntaxError#showSourceCode()`.
* Add `postcss.list` and `postcss.vendor` aliases.
* Add `Processor#version`.
* Parse wrong closing bracket.
* Parse `!important` statement with spaces and comments inside (by Ben Briggs).
* Throw an error on declaration without `prop` or `value` (by Philip Peterson).
* Fix source map mappings position.
* Add indexed source map support.
* Always set `error.generated`.
* Clean all source map annotation comments.
## 4.0.6
* Remove `babel` from released package dependencies (by Andres Suarez).
## 4.0.5
* Fix error message on double colon in declaration.
## 4.0.4
* Fix indent detection in some rare cases.
## 4.0.3
* Faster API with 6to5 Loose mode.
* Fix indexed source maps support.
## 4.0.2
* Do not copy IE hacks to code style.
## 4.0.1
* Add `source.input` to `Root` too.
## 4.0 “Duke Flauros”
* Rename `Container#childs` to `nodes`.
* Rename `PostCSS#processors` to `plugins`.
* Add `Node#replaceValues()` method.
* Add `Node#moveTo()`, `moveBefore()` and `moveAfter()` methods.
* Add `Node#cloneBefore()` and `cloneAfter()` shortcuts.
* Add `Node#next()`, `prev()` and `root()` shortcuts.
* Add `Node#replaceWith()` method.
* Add `Node#error()` method.
* Add `Container#removeAll()` method.
* Add filter argument to `eachDecl()` and `eachAtRule()`.
* Add `Node#source.input` and move `source.file` or `` to `input`.
* Change code indent, when node was moved.
* Better fix code style on `Rule`, `AtRule` and `Comment` nodes changes.
* Allow to create rules and at-rules by hash shortcut in append methods.
* Add class name to CSS syntax error output.
## 3.0.7
* Fix IE filter parsing with multiple commands.
* Safer way to consume PostCSS object as plugin (by Maxime Thirouin).
## 3.0.6
* Fix missing semicolon when comment comes after last declaration.
* Fix Safe Mode declaration parsing on unclosed blocks.
## 3.0.5
* Fix parser to support difficult cases with backslash escape and brackets.
* Add `CssSyntaxError#stack` (by Maxime Thirouin).
## 3.0.4
* Fix Safe Mode on unknown word before declaration.
## 3.0.3
* Increase tokenizer speed (by Roman Dvornov).
## 3.0.2
* Fix empty comment parsing.
* Fix `Root#normalize` in some inserts.
## 3.0.1
* Fix Rhino JS runtime support.
* Typo in deprecated warning (by Maxime Thirouin).
## 3.0 “Marquis Andrealphus”
* New parser, which become the fastest ever CSS parser written in JavaScript.
* Parser can now parse declarations and rules in one parent (like in `@page`)
and nested declarations for plugins like `postcss-nested`.
* Child nodes array is now in `childs` property, instead of `decls` and `rules`.
* `map.inline` and `map.sourcesContent` options are now `true` by default.
* Fix iterators (`each`, `insertAfter`) on children array changes.
* Use previous source map to show origin source of CSS syntax error.
* Use 6to5 ES6 compiler, instead of ES6 Transpiler.
* Use code style for manually added rules from existing rules.
* Use `from` option from previous source map `file` field.
* Set `to` value to `from` if `to` option is missing.
* Use better node source name when missing `from` option.
* Show a syntax error when `;` is missed between declarations.
* Allow to pass `PostCSS` instance or list of plugins to `use()` method.
* Allow to pass `Result` instance to `process()` method.
* Trim Unicode BOM on source maps parsing.
* Parse at-rules without spaces like `@import"file"`.
* Better previous `sourceMappingURL` annotation comment cleaning.
* Do not remove previous `sourceMappingURL` comment on `map.annotation: false`.
* Parse nameless at-rules in Safe Mode.
* Fix source map generation for nodes without source.
* Fix next child `before` if `Root` first child got removed.
## 2.2.6
* Fix map generation for nodes without source (by Josiah Savary).
## 2.2.5
* Fix source map with BOM marker support (by Mohammad Younes).
* Fix source map paths (by Mohammad Younes).
## 2.2.4
* Fix `prepend()` on empty `Root`.
## 2.2.3
* Allow to use object shortcut in `use()` with functions like `autoprefixer`.
## 2.2.2
* Add shortcut to set processors in `use()` via object with `.postcss` property.
## 2.2.1
* Send `opts` from `Processor#process(css, opts)` to processors.
## 2.2 “Marquis Cimeies”
* Use GNU style syntax error messages.
* Add `Node#replace` method.
* Add `CssSyntaxError#reason` property.
## 2.1.2
* Fix UTF-8 support in inline source map.
* Fix source map `sourcesContent` if there is no `from` and `to` options.
## 2.1.1
* Allow to miss `to` and `from` options for inline source maps.
* Add `` if file name is unknown.
* Better detect splitter between rules in CSS concatenation tools.
* Automatically clone node in insert methods.
## 2.1 “King Amdusias”
* Change Traceur ES6 compiler to ES6 Transpiler.
* Show broken CSS line in syntax error.
## 2.0 “King Belial”
* Project was rewritten from CoffeeScript to ES6.
* Add Safe Mode to works with live input or with hacks from legacy code.
* More safer parser to pass all hacks from
* Use real properties instead of magic getter/setter for raw properties.
## 1.0 “Marquis Decarabia”
* Save previous source map for each node to support CSS concatenation
with multiple previous maps.
* Add `map.sourcesContent` option to add origin content to `sourcesContent`
inside map.
* Allow to set different place of output map in annotation comment.
* Allow to use arrays and `Root` in `Container#append` and same methods.
* Add `Root#prevMap` with information about previous map.
* Allow to use latest PostCSS from GitHub by npm.
* `Result` now is lazy and it will generate output CSS only if you use `css`
or `map` property.
* Use separated `map.prev` option to set previous map.
* Rename `inlineMap` option to `map.inline`.
* Rename `mapAnnotation` option to `map.annotation`.
* `Result#map` now return `SourceMapGenerator` object, instead of string.
* Run previous map autodetect only if input CSS contains annotation comment.
* Add `map: 'inline'` shortcut for `map: { inline: true }` option.
* `Node#source.file` now will contains absolute path.
* Clean `Declaration#between` style on node clone.
## 0.3.5
* Allow to use `Root` or `Result` as first argument in `process()`.
* Save parsed AST to `Result#root`.
## 0.3.4
* Better space symbol detect to read UTF-8 BOM correctly.
## 0.3.3
* Remove source map hacks by using new Mozilla’s `source-map` (by Simon Lydell).
## 0.3.2
* Add URI encoding support for inline source maps.
## 0.3.1
* Fix relative paths from previous source map.
* Safer space split in `Rule#selectors` (by Simon Lydell).
## 0.3 “Prince Seere”
* Add `Comment` node for comments between declarations or rules.
* Add source map annotation comment to output CSS.
* Allow to inline source map to annotation comment by data:uri.
* Fix source maps on Windows.
* Fix source maps for subdirectory (by Dmitry Nikitenko and Simon Lydell).
* Autodetect previous source map.
* Add `first` and `last` shortcuts to container nodes.
* Parse `!important` to separated property in `Declaration`.
* Allow to break iteration by returning `false`.
* Copy code style to new nodes.
* Add `eachInside` method to recursively iterate all nodes.
* Add `selectors` shortcut to get selectors array.
* Add `toResult` method to `Rule` to simplify work with several input files.
* Clean declaration’s `value`, rule’s `selector` and at-rule’s `params`
by storing spaces in `between` property.
## 0.2 “Duke Dantalion”
* Add source map support.
* Add shortcuts to create nodes.
* Method `process()` now returns object with `css` and `map` keys.
* Origin CSS file option was renamed from `file` to `from`.
* Rename `Node#remove()` method to `removeSelf()` to fix name conflict.
* Node source was moved to `source` property with origin file
and node end position.
* You can set own CSS generate function.
## 0.1 “Count Andromalius”
* Initial release.
# Contributing Guide to PostCSS
If you want contribute to PostCSS, there are few things that you should
be familiar with.
## In Case You Have Question About Using PostCSS
* **Ask for help in [the chat]**
If you stuck on something there is a big chance
that someone had similar problem before.
[the chat]:
## Adding Your Plugin to the List
If you created or found a plugin and want to add it to PostCSS plugins list
follow this simple steps.
PR should not change plugins defined in README it contains only favorite plugins
and moderated by PostCSS author.
Plugins submitted by community located in [`docs/plugins`].
* **Keep plugins order**
Be sure that plugin not presented yet and find suitable position
in alphabetic order for it.
But plugins with `postcss-` prefix should come first.
* **Check spelling**
Before submitting PR be sure that spelling check pass.
For that run command `npm test`.
If it fails with unknown word error, add it as word
to `.yaspellerrc` dictionary.
* **Check PostCSS plugin guideline**
Provided plugin should match plugin [guidelines].
- **Provide link to suggested plugin**
Make sure your pull request description contains link to plugin
you are willing to add.
## TypeScript Declaration Improvements
If you found a bug or want to add certain improvements to types declaration file
* **Check current TypeScript styling**
Be sure that your changes match TypeScript styling rules defined in typings file.
* We use classes for existing JS classes like `Stringifier`.
* Namespaces used for separating functions related to same subject.
* Interfaces used for defining custom types.
Make sure you read through declaration file writing [best practices]
by TypeScript team.
[best practices]:
## Core Development
If you want to add new feature or fix existed issue
- **Become familiar with PostCSS architecture**
For gentle intro to PostCSS architecture look through our [guide].
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright 2013 Andrey Sitnik <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# PostCSS [![Gitter][chat-img]][chat]
<img align="right" width="95" height="95"
alt="哲学家的石头 - PostCSS 的 logo"
PostCSS 是一个允许使用 JS 插件转换样式的工具。
这些插件可以检查(lint)你的 CSS,支持 CSS Variables 和 Mixins,
编译尚未被浏览器广泛支持的先进的 CSS 语法,内联图片,以及其它很多优秀的功能。
PostCSS 在工业界被广泛地应用,其中不乏很多有名的行业领导者,如:维基百科,Twitter,阿里巴巴,
JetBrains。PostCSS 的 [Autoprefixer] 插件是最流行的 CSS 处理工具之一。
PostCSS 接收一个 CSS 文件并提供了一个 API 来分析、修改它的规则(通过把 CSS 规则转换成一个[抽象语法树]的方式)。在这之后,这个 API 便可被许多[插件]利用来做有用的事情,比如寻错或自动添加 CSS vendor 前缀。
**Twitter 账号:** [@postcss](<br>
**支持 / 讨论:** [Gitter](<br>
如果需要 PostCSS 商业支持(如咨询,提升公司的前端文化,
PostCSS 插件),请联系 [Evil Martians](
邮箱 <>
<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="由 Evil Martians 赞助" width="236" height="54">
## 插件
截止到目前,PostCSS 有 200 多个插件。你可以在 [插件列表] 或 [搜索目录] 找到它们。
下方的列表是我们最喜欢的插件 - 它们很好地演示了我们可以用 PostCSS 做些什么。
如果你有任何新的想法,[开发 PostCSS 插件] 非常简单易上手。
### 解决全局 CSS 的问题
* [`postcss-use`] 允许你在 CSS 里明确地设置 PostCSS 插件,并且只在当前文件执行它们。
* [`postcss-modules`] 和 [`react-css-modules`] 可以自动以组件为单位隔绝 CSS 选择器。
* [`postcss-autoreset`] 是全局样式重置的又一个选择,它更适用于分离的组件。
* [`postcss-initial`] 添加了 `all: initial` 的支持,重置了所有继承的样式。
* [`cq-prolyfill`] 添加了容器查询的支持,允许添加响应于父元素宽度的样式.
### 提前使用先进的 CSS 特性
* [`autoprefixer`] 添加了 vendor 浏览器前缀,它使用 Can I Use 上面的数据。
* [`postcss-preset-env`] 允许你使用未来的 CSS 特性。
### 更佳的 CSS 可读性
* [`precss`] 囊括了许多插件来支持类似 Sass 的特性,比如 CSS 变量,套嵌,mixins 等。
* [`postcss-sorting`] 给规则的内容以及@规则排序。
* [`postcss-utilities`] 囊括了最常用的简写方式和书写帮助。
* [`short`] 添加并拓展了大量的缩写属性。
### 图片和字体
* [`postcss-assets`] 可以插入图片尺寸和内联文件。
* [`postcss-sprites`] 能生成雪碧图。
* [`font-magician`] 生成所有在 CSS 里需要的 `@font-face` 规则。
* [`postcss-inline-svg`] 允许你内联 SVG 并定制它的样式。
* [`postcss-write-svg`] 允许你在 CSS 里写简单的 SVG。
### 提示器(Linters)
* [`stylelint`] 是一个模块化的样式提示器。
* [`stylefmt`] 是一个能根据 `stylelint` 规则自动优化 CSS 格式的工具。
* [`doiuse`] 提示 CSS 的浏览器支持性,使用的数据来自于 Can I Use。
* [`colorguard`] 帮助你保持一个始终如一的调色板。
### 其它
* [`postcss-rtl`] 在单个 CSS 文件里组合了两个方向(左到右,右到左)的样式。
* [`cssnano`] 是一个模块化的 CSS 压缩器。
* [`lost`] 是一个功能强大的 `calc()` 栅格系统。
* [`rtlcss`] 镜像翻转 CSS 样式,适用于 right-to-left 的应用场景。
[开发 PostCSS 插件]:
## 语法
PostCSS 可以转化样式到任意语法,不仅仅是 CSS。
如果还没有支持你最喜欢的语法,你可以编写一个解释器以及(或者)一个 stringifier 来拓展 PostCSS。
* [`sugarss`] 是一个以缩进为基础的语法,类似于 Sass 和 Stylus。
* [`postcss-syntax`] 通过文件扩展名自动切换语法。
* [`postcss-html`] 解析类 HTML 文件里`<style>`标签中的样式。
* [`postcss-markdown`] 解析 Markdown 文件里代码块中的样式。
* [`postcss-jsx`] 解析源文件里模板或对象字面量中的CSS。
* [`postcss-styled`] 解析源文件里模板字面量中的CSS。
* [`postcss-scss`] 允许你使用 SCSS *(但并没有将 SCSS 编译到 CSS)*
* [`postcss-sass`] 允许你使用 Sass *(但并没有将 Sass 编译到 CSS)*
* [`postcss-less`] 允许你使用 Less *(但并没有将 LESS 编译到 CSS)*
* [`postcss-less-engine`] 允许你使用 Less *(并且使用真正的 Less.js 把 LESS 编译到 CSS)*
* [`postcss-js`] 允许你在 JS 里编写样式,或者转换成 React 的内联样式/Radium/JSS。
* [`postcss-safe-parser`] 查找并修复 CSS 语法错误。
* [`midas`] 将 CSS 字符串转化成高亮的 HTML。
## 文章
* [一些你对 PostCSS 可能产生的误解](
* [PostCSS 究竟是什么,是做什么的](
* [PostCSS 指南](
你可以在 [awesome-postcss]( 列表里找到更多优秀的文章和视频。
## 书籍
* Alex Libby, Packt 的 [网页设计之精通 PostCSS]( (2016年6月)
## 使用方法
你可以通过简单的两步便开始使用 PostCSS:
1. 在你的构建工具中查找并添加 PostCSS 拓展。
2. [选择插件]并将它们添加到你的 PostCSS 处理队列中。
### Webpack
`webpack.config.js` 里使用 [`postcss-loader`] :
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: [
loader: 'style-loader',
loader: 'css-loader',
options: {
importLoaders: 1,
loader: 'postcss-loader'
然后创建 `postcss.config.js`:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
### Gulp
使用 [`gulp-postcss`] 和 [`gulp-sourcemaps`].
gulp.task('css', function () {
var postcss = require('gulp-postcss');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
return gulp.src('src/**/*.css')
.pipe( sourcemaps.init() )
.pipe( postcss([ require('precss'), require('autoprefixer') ]) )
.pipe( sourcemaps.write('.') )
.pipe( gulp.dest('build/') );
### npm run / CLI
如果需要在你的命令行界面或 npm 脚本里使用 PostCSS,你可以使用 [`postcss-cli`]。
postcss --use autoprefixer -c options.json -o main.css css/*.css
### 浏览器
如果你想编译浏览器里的 CSS 字符串(例如像 CodePen 一样的在线编辑器),
只需使用 [Browserify] 或 [webpack]。它们会把 PostCSS 和插件文件打包进一个独立文件。
如果想要在 React 内联样式/JSS/Radium/其它 [CSS-in-JS] 里使用 PostCSS,
你可以用 [`postcss-js`] 然后转换样式对象。
var postcss = require('postcss-js');
var prefixer = postcss.sync([ require('autoprefixer') ]);
prefixer({ display: 'flex' }); //=> { display: ['-webkit-box', '-webkit-flex', '-ms-flexbox', 'flex'] }
### 运行器
* **Grunt**: [`grunt-postcss`](
* **HTML**: [`posthtml-postcss`](
* **Stylus**: [`poststylus`](
* **Rollup**: [`rollup-plugin-postcss`](
* **Brunch**: [`postcss-brunch`](
* **Broccoli**: [`broccoli-postcss`](
* **Meteor**: [`postcss`](
* **ENB**: [`enb-postcss`](
* **Taskr**: [`taskr-postcss`](
* **Start**: [`start-postcss`](
* **Connect/Express**: [`postcss-middleware`](
### JS API
对于其它的应用环境,你可以使用 JS API:
const fs = require('fs');
const postcss = require('postcss');
const precss = require('precss');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
fs.readFile('src/app.css', (err, css) => {
postcss([precss, autoprefixer])
.process(css, { from: 'src/app.css', to: 'dest/app.css' })
.then(result => {
fs.writeFile('dest/app.css', result.css);
if ( ) fs.writeFile('dest/',;
阅读 [PostCSS API 文档] 获取更多有关 JS API 的信息.
所有的 PostCSS 运行器应当通过 [PostCSS 运行器指南]。
[PostCSS 运行器指南]:
[PostCSS API 文档]:
### 配置选项
绝大多数 PostCSS 运行器接受两个参数:
* 一个包含所需插件的数组
* 一个配置选项的对象
* `syntax`: 一个提供了语法解释器和 stringifier 的对象。
* `parser`: 一个特殊的语法解释器(例如 [SCSS])。
* `stringifier`: 一个特殊的语法 output 生成器(例如 [Midas])。
* `map`: [source map 选项].
* `from`: input 文件名称(大多数运行器自动设置了这个)。
* `to`: output 文件名称(大多数运行器自动设置了这个)。
[source map 选项]:
### Atom
* [`language-postcss`] 添加了 PostCSS 和 [SugarSS] 代码高亮。
* [`source-preview-postcss`] 在一个独立窗口里实时预览生成的 CSS。
### Sublime Text
* [`Syntax-highlighting-for-PostCSS`] 添加了 PostCSS 代码高亮。
### Vim
* [`postcss.vim`] 添加了 PostCSS 代码高亮。
### WebStorm
自 WebStorm 2016.3 开始,[提供了] 内建的 PostCSS 支持。
# PostCSS [![Gitter][chat-img]][chat]
<img align="right" width="95" height="95"
alt="Philosopher’s stone, logo of PostCSS"
PostCSS is a tool for transforming styles with JS plugins.
These plugins can lint your CSS, support variables and mixins,
transpile future CSS syntax, inline images, and more.
PostCSS is used by industry leaders including Wikipedia, Twitter, Alibaba,
and JetBrains. The [Autoprefixer] PostCSS plugin is one of the most popular
CSS processors.
PostCSS takes a CSS file and provides an API to analyze and modify its rules
(by transforming them into an [Abstract Syntax Tree]).
This API can then be used by [plugins] to do a lot of useful things,
e.g. to find errors automatically insert vendor prefixes.
**Support / Discussion:** [Gitter](<br>
**Twitter account:** [@postcss](<br>
** page:** [postcss](<br>
**中文翻译**: [``](./
For PostCSS commercial support (consulting, improving the front-end culture
of your company, PostCSS plugins), contact [Evil Martians](
at <>.
[Abstract Syntax Tree]:
<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Sponsored by Evil Martians" width="236" height="54">
## Plugins
Currently, PostCSS has more than 200 plugins. You can find all of the plugins
in the [plugins list] or in the [searchable catalog]. Below is a list
of our favorite plugins — the best demonstrations of what can be built
on top of PostCSS.
If you have any new ideas, [PostCSS plugin development] is really easy.
[searchable catalog]:
[plugins list]:
### Solve Global CSS Problem
* [`postcss-use`] allows you to explicitly set PostCSS plugins within CSS
and execute them only for the current file.
* [`postcss-modules`] and [`react-css-modules`] automatically isolate
selectors within components.
* [`postcss-autoreset`] is an alternative to using a global reset
that is better for isolatable components.
* [`postcss-initial`] adds `all: initial` support, which resets
all inherited styles.
* [`cq-prolyfill`] adds container query support, allowing styles that respond
to the width of the parent.
### Use Future CSS, Today
* [`autoprefixer`] adds vendor prefixes, using data from Can I Use.
* [`postcss-preset-env`] allows you to use future CSS features today.
### Better CSS Readability
* [`precss`] contains plugins for Sass-like features, like variables, nesting,
and mixins.
* [`postcss-sorting`] sorts the content of rules and at-rules.
* [`postcss-utilities`] includes the most commonly used shortcuts and helpers.
* [`short`] adds and extends numerous shorthand properties.
### Images and Fonts
* [`postcss-assets`] inserts image dimensions and inlines files.
* [`postcss-sprites`] generates image sprites.
* [`font-magician`] generates all the `@font-face` rules needed in CSS.
* [`postcss-inline-svg`] allows you to inline SVG and customize its styles.
* [`postcss-write-svg`] allows you to write simple SVG directly in your CSS.
### Linters
* [`stylelint`] is a modular stylesheet linter.
* [`stylefmt`] is a tool that automatically formats CSS
according `stylelint` rules.
* [`doiuse`] lints CSS for browser support, using data from Can I Use.
* [`colorguard`] helps you maintain a consistent color palette.
### Other
* [`postcss-rtl`] combines both-directional (left-to-right and right-to-left) styles in one CSS file.
* [`cssnano`] is a modular CSS minifier.
* [`lost`] is a feature-rich `calc()` grid system.
* [`rtlcss`] mirrors styles for right-to-left locales.
[PostCSS plugin development]:
## Syntaxes
PostCSS can transform styles in any syntax, not just CSS.
If there is not yet support for your favorite syntax,
you can write a parser and/or stringifier to extend PostCSS.
* [`sugarss`] is a indent-based syntax like Sass or Stylus.
* [`postcss-syntax`] switch syntax automatically by file extensions.
* [`postcss-html`] parsing styles in `<style>` tags of HTML-like files.
* [`postcss-markdown`] parsing styles in code blocks of Markdown files.
* [`postcss-jsx`] parsing CSS in template / object literals of source files.
* [`postcss-styled`] parsing CSS in template literals of source files.
* [`postcss-scss`] allows you to work with SCSS
*(but does not compile SCSS to CSS)*.
* [`postcss-sass`] allows you to work with Sass
*(but does not compile Sass to CSS)*.
* [`postcss-less`] allows you to work with Less
*(but does not compile LESS to CSS)*.
* [`postcss-less-engine`] allows you to work with Less
*(and DOES compile LESS to CSS using true Less.js evaluation)*.
* [`postcss-js`] allows you to write styles in JS or transform
React Inline Styles, Radium or JSS.
* [`postcss-safe-parser`] finds and fixes CSS syntax errors.
* [`midas`] converts a CSS string to highlighted HTML.
## Articles
* [Some things you may think about PostCSS… and you might be wrong](
* [What PostCSS Really Is; What It Really Does](
* [PostCSS Guides](
More articles and videos you can find on [awesome-postcss]( list.
## Books
* [Mastering PostCSS for Web Design]( by Alex Libby, Packt. (June 2016)
## Usage
You can start using PostCSS in just two steps:
1. Find and add PostCSS extensions for your build tool.
2. [Select plugins] and add them to your PostCSS process.
[Select plugins]:
### Webpack
Use [`postcss-loader`] in `webpack.config.js`:
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: [
loader: 'style-loader',
loader: 'css-loader',
options: {
importLoaders: 1,
loader: 'postcss-loader'
Then create `postcss.config.js`:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
### Gulp
Use [`gulp-postcss`] and [`gulp-sourcemaps`].
gulp.task('css', function () {
var postcss = require('gulp-postcss');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
return gulp.src('src/**/*.css')
.pipe( sourcemaps.init() )
.pipe( postcss([ require('precss'), require('autoprefixer') ]) )
.pipe( sourcemaps.write('.') )
.pipe( gulp.dest('build/') );
### npm run / CLI
To use PostCSS from your command-line interface or with npm scripts
there is [`postcss-cli`].
postcss --use autoprefixer -c options.json -o main.css css/*.css
### Browser
If you want to compile CSS string in browser (for instance, in live edit
tools like CodePen), just use [Browserify] or [webpack]. They will pack
PostCSS and plugins files into a single file.
To apply PostCSS plugins to React Inline Styles, JSS, Radium
and other [CSS-in-JS], you can use [`postcss-js`] and transforms style objects.
var postcss = require('postcss-js');
var prefixer = postcss.sync([ require('autoprefixer') ]);
prefixer({ display: 'flex' }); //=> { display: ['-webkit-box', '-webkit-flex', '-ms-flexbox', 'flex'] }
### Runners
* **Grunt**: [`grunt-postcss`](
* **HTML**: [`posthtml-postcss`](
* **Stylus**: [`poststylus`](
* **Rollup**: [`rollup-plugin-postcss`](
* **Brunch**: [`postcss-brunch`](
* **Broccoli**: [`broccoli-postcss`](
* **Meteor**: [`postcss`](
* **ENB**: [`enb-postcss`](
* **Taskr**: [`taskr-postcss`](
* **Start**: [`start-postcss`](
* **Connect/Express**: [`postcss-middleware`](
### JS API
For other environments, you can use the JS API:
const fs = require('fs');
const postcss = require('postcss');
const precss = require('precss');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
fs.readFile('src/app.css', (err, css) => {
postcss([precss, autoprefixer])
.process(css, { from: 'src/app.css', to: 'dest/app.css' })
.then(result => {
fs.writeFile('dest/app.css', result.css, () => true);
if ( ) {
fs.writeFile('dest/',, () => true);
Read the [PostCSS API documentation] for more details about the JS API.
All PostCSS runners should pass [PostCSS Runner Guidelines].
[PostCSS Runner Guidelines]:
[PostCSS API documentation]:
### Options
Most PostCSS runners accept two parameters:
* An array of plugins.
* An object of options.
Common options:
* `syntax`: an object providing a syntax parser and a stringifier.
* `parser`: a special syntax parser (for example, [SCSS]).
* `stringifier`: a special syntax output generator (for example, [Midas]).
* `map`: [source map options].
* `from`: the input file name (most runners set it automatically).
* `to`: the output file name (most runners set it automatically).
[source map options]:
## Editors & IDE Integration
### Atom
* [`language-postcss`] adds PostCSS and [SugarSS] highlight.
* [`source-preview-postcss`] previews your output CSS in a separate, live pane.
### Sublime Text
* [`Syntax-highlighting-for-PostCSS`] adds PostCSS highlight.
### Vim
* [`postcss.vim`] adds PostCSS highlight.
### WebStorm
WebStorm 2016.3 [has] built-in PostCSS support.
## PostCSS Architecture
General overview of PostCSS architecture.
It can be useful for everyone who wish to contribute to core or develop better understanding of the tool.
**Table of Contents**
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Workflow](#workflow)
- [Core Structures](#core-structures)
* [Tokenizer](#tokenizer--libtokenizees6-)
* [Parser](#parser--libparsees6-libparseres6-)
* [Processor](#processor--libprocessores6-)
* [Stringifier](#stringifier--libstringifyes6-libstringifieres6-)
- [API](#api-reference)
### Overview
> This section describes ideas lying behind PostCSS
Before diving deeper into development of PostCSS let's briefly describe what is PostCSS and what is not.
- *is **NOT** a style preprocessor like `Sass` or `Less`.*
It does not define custom syntax and semantic, it's not actually a language.
PostCSS works with CSS and can be easily integrated with tools described above. That being said any valid CSS can be processed by PostCSS.
- *is a tool for CSS syntax transformations*
It allows you to define custom CSS like syntax that could be understandable and transformed by plugins. That being said PostCSS is not strictly about CSS spec but about syntax definition manner of CSS. In such way you can define custom syntax constructs like at-rule, that could be very helpful for tools build around PostCSS. PostCSS plays a role of framework for building outstanding tools for CSS manipulations.
- *is a big player in CSS ecosystem*
Large amount of lovely tools like `Autoprefixer`, `Stylelint`, `CSSnano` were built on PostCSS ecosystem. There is big chance that you already use it implicitly, just check your `node_modules` :smiley:
### Workflow
This is high level overview of whole PostCSS workflow
<img width="300" src="" alt="workflow">
As you can see from diagram above, PostCSS architecture is pretty straightforward but some parts of it could be misunderstood.
From diagram above you can see part called *Parser*, this construct will be described in details later on, just for now think about it as a structure that can understand your CSS like syntax and create object representation of it.
That being said, there are few ways to write parser
- *Write a single file with string to AST transformation*
This method is quite popular, for example, the [Rework analyzer]( was written in this style. But with a large code base, the code becomes hard to read and pretty slow.
- *Split it into lexical analysis/parsing steps (source string → tokens → AST)*
This is the way of how we do it in PostCSS and also the most popular one.
A lot of parsers like [`Babylon` (parser behind Babel)](, [`CSSTree`]( were written in such way.
The main reasons to separate tokenization from parsing steps are performance and abstracting complexity.
Let think about why second way is better for our needs.
First of all because string to tokens step takes more time than parsing step. We operate on large source string and process it char by char, this is why it is very inefficient operation in terms of performance and we should perform it only once.
But from other side tokens to AST transformation is logically more complex so with such separation we could write very fast tokenizer (but from this comes sometimes hard to read code) and easy to read (but slow) parser.
Summing it up splitting in two steps improve performance and code readability.
So now lets look more closely on structures that play main role in PostCSS workflow.
### Core Structures
- #### Tokenizer ( [lib/tokenize.es6]( )
Tokenizer (aka Lexer) plays important role in syntax analysis.
It accepts CSS string and returns list of tokens.
Token is a simple structure that describes some part of syntax like `at-rule`, `comment` or `word`. It can also contain positional information for more descriptive errors.
For example if we consider following css
.className { color: #FFF; }
corresponding tokens representation from PostCSS will be
["word", ".className", 1, 1, 1, 10]
["space", " "]
["{", "{", 1, 12]
["space", " "]
["word", "color", 1, 14, 1, 18]
[":", ":", 1, 19]
["space", " "]
["word", "#FFF" , 1, 21, 1, 23]
[";", ";", 1, 24]
["space", " "]
["}", "}", 1, 26]
As you can see from the example above single token represented as a list and also `space` token doesn't have positional information.
Lets look more closely on single token like `word`. As it was said each token represented as a list and follow such pattern.
const token = [
// represents token type
// represents matched word
// This two numbers represent start position of token.
// It's optional value as we saw in example above,
// tokens like `space` don't have such information.
// Here the first number is line number and the second one is corresponding column.
1, 1,
// Next two numbers also optional and represent end position for multichar tokens like this one. Numbers follow same rule as was described above
1, 10
There are many patterns how tokenization could be done, PostCSS motto is performance and simplicity. Tokenization is complex computing operation and take large amount of syntax analysis time ( ~90% ), that why PostCSS' Tokenizer looks dirty but it was optimized for speed. Any high-level constructs like classes could dramatically slow down tokenizer.
PostCSS' Tokenizer use some sort of streaming/chaining API where you exposes [`nextToken()`]( method to Parser. In this manner we provide clean interface for Parser and reduce memory usage by storing only few tokens and not whole list of tokens.
- #### Parser ( [lib/parse.es6](, [lib/parser.es6]( )
Parser is main structure that responsible for [syntax analysis]( of incoming CSS. Parser produces structure called [Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)]( that could then be transformed by plugins later on.
Parser works in common with Tokenizer and operates over tokens not source string, as it would be very inefficient operation.
It use mostly `nextToken` and `back` methods provided by Tokenizer for obtaining single or multiple tokens and than construct part of AST called `Node`
There are multiple Node types that PostCSS could produce but all of them inherit from base Node [class](
- #### Processor ( [lib/processor.es6]( )
Processor is a very plain structure that initializes plugins and run syntax transformations. Plugin is just a function registered with [postcss.plugin]( call.
It exposes quite few public API methods. Description of them could be found on [](
- #### Stringifier ( [lib/stringify.es6](, [lib/stringifier.es6]( )
Stringifier is a base class that translates modified AST to pure CSS string. Stringifier traverse AST starting from provided Node and generate raw string representation of it calling corresponding methods.
The most essential method is [`Stringifier.stringify`](
that accepts initial Node and semicolon indicator.
You can learn more by checking [stringifier.es6](
### API Reference
More descriptive API documentation could be found [here](
# PostCSS Plugin Guidelines
A PostCSS plugin is a function that receives and, usually,
transforms a CSS AST from the PostCSS parser.
The rules below are *mandatory* for all PostCSS plugins.
See also [ClojureWerkz’s recommendations] for open source projects.
[ClojureWerkz’s recommendations]:
## 1. API
### 1.1 Clear name with `postcss-` prefix
The plugin’s purpose should be clear just by reading its name.
If you wrote a transpiler for CSS 4 Custom Media, `postcss-custom-media`
would be a good name. If you wrote a plugin to support mixins,
`postcss-mixins` would be a good name.
The prefix `postcss-` shows that the plugin is part of the PostCSS ecosystem.
This rule is not mandatory for plugins that can run as independent tools,
without the user necessarily knowing that it is powered by
PostCSS — for example, [cssnext] and [Autoprefixer].
### 1.2. Do one thing, and do it well
Do not create multitool plugins. Several small, one-purpose plugins bundled into
a plugin pack is usually a better solution.
For example, [cssnext] contains many small plugins,
one for each W3C specification. And [cssnano] contains a separate plugin
for each of its optimization.
### 1.3. Do not use mixins
Preprocessors libraries like Compass provide an API with mixins.
PostCSS plugins are different.
A plugin cannot be just a set of mixins for [postcss-mixins].
To achieve your goal, consider transforming valid CSS
or using custom at-rules and custom properties.
### 1.4. Create plugin by `postcss.plugin`
By wrapping your function in this method,
you are hooking into a common plugin API:
module.exports = postcss.plugin('plugin-name', function (opts) {
return function (root, result) {
// Plugin code
## 2. Processing
### 2.1. Plugin must be tested
A CI service like [Travis] is also recommended for testing code in
different environments. You should test in (at least) Node.js [active LTS]( and current stable version.
### 2.2. Use asynchronous methods whenever possible
For example, use `fs.writeFile` instead of `fs.writeFileSync`:
postcss.plugin('plugin-sprite', function (opts) {
return function (root, result) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var sprite = makeSprite();
fs.writeFile(opts.file, function (err) {
if ( err ) return reject(err);
### 2.3. Set `node.source` for new nodes
Every node must have a relevant `source` so PostCSS can generate
an accurate source map.
So if you add new declaration based on some existing declaration, you should
clone the existing declaration in order to save that original `source`.
if ( needPrefix(decl.prop) ) {
decl.cloneBefore({ prop: '-webkit-' + decl.prop });
You can also set `source` directly, copying from some existing node:
if ( decl.prop === 'animation' ) {
var keyframe = createAnimationByName(decl.value);
keyframes.source = decl.source;
### 2.4. Use only the public PostCSS API
PostCSS plugins must not rely on undocumented properties or methods,
which may be subject to change in any minor release. The public API
is described in [API docs].
[API docs]:
## 3. Errors
### 3.1. Use `node.error` on CSS relevant errors
If you have an error because of input CSS (like an unknown name
in a mixin plugin) you should use `node.error` to create an error
that includes source position:
if ( typeof mixins[name] === 'undefined' ) {
throw decl.error('Unknown mixin ' + name, { plugin: 'postcss-mixins' });
### 3.2. Use `result.warn` for warnings
Do not print warnings with `console.log` or `console.warn`,
because some PostCSS runner may not allow console output.
if ( outdated(decl.prop) ) {
result.warn(decl.prop + ' is outdated', { node: decl });
If CSS input is a source of the warning, the plugin must set the `node` option.
## 4. Documentation
### 4.1. Document your plugin in English
PostCSS plugins must have their `` written in English. Do not be afraid
of your English skills, as the open source community will fix your errors.
Of course, you are welcome to write documentation in other languages;
just name them appropriately (e.g. ``).
### 4.2. Include input and output examples
The plugin's `` must contain example input and output CSS.
A clear example is the best way to describe how your plugin works.
The first section of the `` is a good place to put examples.
See [postcss-opacity]( for an example.
Of course, this guideline does not apply if your plugin does not
transform the CSS.
### 4.3. Maintain a changelog
PostCSS plugins must describe the changes of all their releases
in a separate file, such as ``, ``, or [GitHub Releases].
Visit [Keep A Changelog] for more information about how to write one of these.
Of course, you should be using [SemVer].
[Keep A Changelog]:
[GitHub Releases]:
### 4.4. Include `postcss-plugin` keyword in `package.json`
PostCSS plugins written for npm must have the `postcss-plugin` keyword
in their `package.json`. This special keyword will be useful for feedback about
the PostCSS ecosystem.
For packages not published to npm, this is not mandatory, but is recommended
if the package format can contain keywords.
# PostCSS Runner Guidelines
A PostCSS runner is a tool that processes CSS through a user-defined list
of plugins; for example, [`postcss-cli`] or [`gulp‑postcss`].
These rules are mandatory for any such runners.
For single-plugin tools, like [`gulp-autoprefixer`],
these rules are not mandatory but are highly recommended.
See also [ClojureWerkz’s recommendations] for open source projects.
[ClojureWerkz’s recommendations]:
## 1. API
### 1.1. Accept functions in plugin parameters
If your runner uses a config file, it must be written in JavaScript, so that
it can support plugins which accept a function, such as [`postcss-assets`]:
module.exports = [
cachebuster: function (file) {
return fs.statSync(file).mtime.getTime().toString(16);
## 2. Processing
### 2.1. Set `from` and `to` processing options
To ensure that PostCSS generates source maps and displays better syntax errors,
runners must specify the `from` and `to` options. If your runner does not handle
writing to disk (for example, a gulp transform), you should set both options
to point to the same file:
processor.process({ from: file.path, to: file.path });
### 2.2. Use only the asynchronous API
PostCSS runners must use only the asynchronous API.
The synchronous API is provided only for debugging, is slower,
and can’t work with asynchronous plugins.
processor.process(opts).then(function (result) {
// processing is finished
### 2.3. Use only the public PostCSS API
PostCSS runners must not rely on undocumented properties or methods,
which may be subject to change in any minor release. The public API
is described in [API docs].
[API docs]:
## 3. Output
### 3.1. Don’t show JS stack for `CssSyntaxError`
PostCSS runners must not show a stack trace for CSS syntax errors,
as the runner can be used by developers who are not familiar with JavaScript.
Instead, handle such errors gracefully:
processor.process(opts).catch(function (error) {
if ( === 'CssSyntaxError' ) {
process.stderr.write(error.message + error.showSourceCode());
} else {
throw error;
### 3.2. Display `result.warnings()`
PostCSS runners must output warnings from `result.warnings()`:
result.warnings().forEach(function (warn) {
See also [postcss-log-warnings] and [postcss-messages] plugins.
### 3.3. Allow the user to write source maps to different files
PostCSS by default will inline source maps in the generated file; however,
PostCSS runners must provide an option to save the source map in a different
if ( ) {
fs.writeFile( + '.map',;
## 4. Documentation
### 4.1. Document your runner in English
PostCSS runners must have their `` written in English. Do not be afraid
of your English skills, as the open source community will fix your errors.
Of course, you are welcome to write documentation in other languages;
just name them appropriately (e.g. ``).
### 4.2. Maintain a changelog
PostCSS runners must describe changes of all releases in a separate file,
such as ``, ``, or with [GitHub Releases].
Visit [Keep A Changelog] for more information on how to write one of these.
Of course you should use [SemVer].
[Keep A Changelog]:
[GitHub Releases]:
### 4.3. `postcss-runner` keyword in `package.json`
PostCSS runners written for npm must have the `postcss-runner` keyword
in their `package.json`. This special keyword will be useful for feedback about
the PostCSS ecosystem.
For packages not published to npm, this is not mandatory, but recommended
if the package format is allowed to contain keywords.
# PostCSS and Source Maps
PostCSS has great [source maps] support. It can read and interpret maps
from previous transformation steps, autodetect the format that you expect,
and output both external and inline maps.
To ensure that you generate an accurate source map, you must indicate the input
and output CSS file paths — using the options `from` and `to`, respectively.
To generate a new source map with the default options, simply set `map: true`.
This will generate an inline source map that contains the source content.
If you don’t want the map inlined, you can set `map.inline: false`.
.process(css, {
from: 'app.sass.css',
to: 'app.css',
map: { inline: false },
.then(function (result) { //=> '{ "version":3,
// "file":"app.css",
// "sources":["app.sass"],
// "mappings":"AAAA,KAAI" }'
If PostCSS finds source maps from a previous transformation,
it will automatically update that source map with the same options.
## Options
If you want more control over source map generation, you can define the `map`
option as an object with the following parameters:
* `inline` boolean: indicates that the source map should be embedded
in the output CSS as a Base64-encoded comment. By default, it is `true`.
But if all previous maps are external, not inline, PostCSS will not embed
the map even if you do not set this option.
If you have an inline source map, the `` property will be empty,
as the source map will be contained within the text of `result.css`.
* `prev` string, object, boolean or function: source map content from
a previous processing step (for example, Sass compilation).
PostCSS will try to read the previous source map automatically
(based on comments within the source CSS), but you can use this option
to identify it manually. If desired, you can omit the previous map
with `prev: false`.
* `sourcesContent` boolean: indicates that PostCSS should set the origin
content (for example, Sass source) of the source map. By default,
it is `true`. But if all previous maps do not contain sources content,
PostCSS will also leave it out even if you do not set this option.
* `annotation` boolean or string: indicates that PostCSS should add annotation
comments to the CSS. By default, PostCSS will always add a comment with a path
to the source map. PostCSS will not add annotations to CSS files that
do not contain any comments.
By default, PostCSS presumes that you want to save the source map as
` + '.map'` and will use this path in the annotation comment.
A different path can be set by providing a string value for `annotation`.
If you have set `inline: true`, annotation cannot be disabled.
* `from` string: by default, PostCSS will set the `sources` property of the map
to the value of the `from` option. If you want to override this behaviour, you
can use `map.from` to explicitly set the source map's `sources` property.
Path should be absolute or relative from generated file
(`to` option in `process()` method).
[source maps]:
# How to Write Custom Syntax
PostCSS can transform styles in any syntax, and is not limited to just CSS.
By writing a custom syntax, you can transform styles in any desired format.
Writing a custom syntax is much harder than writing a PostCSS plugin, but
it is an awesome adventure.
There are 3 types of PostCSS syntax packages:
* **Parser** to parse input string to node’s tree.
* **Stringifier** to generate output string by node’s tree.
* **Syntax** contains both parser and stringifier.
## Syntax
A good example of a custom syntax is [SCSS]. Some users may want to transform
SCSS sources with PostCSS plugins, for example if they need to add vendor
prefixes or change the property order. So this syntax should output SCSS from
an SCSS input.
The syntax API is a very simple plain object, with `parse` & `stringify`
module.exports = {
parse: require('./parse'),
stringify: require('./stringify')
## Parser
A good example of a parser is [Safe Parser], which parses malformed/broken CSS.
Because there is no point to generate broken output, this package only provides
a parser.
The parser API is a function which receives a string & returns a [`Root`] node.
The second argument is a function which receives an object with PostCSS options.
var postcss = require('postcss');
module.exports = function (css, opts) {
var root = postcss.root();
// Add other nodes to root
return root;
[Safe Parser]:
### Main Theory
There are many books about parsers; but do not worry because CSS syntax is
very easy, and so the parser will be much simpler than a programming language
The default PostCSS parser contains two steps:
1. [Tokenizer] which reads input string character by character and builds a
tokens array. For example, it joins space symbols to a `['space', '\n ']`
token, and detects strings to a `['string', '"\"{"']` token.
2. [Parser] which reads the tokens array, creates node instances and
builds a tree.
### Performance
Parsing input is often the most time consuming task in CSS processors. So it
is very important to have a fast parser.
The main rule of optimization is that there is no performance without a
benchmark. You can look at [PostCSS benchmarks] to build your own.
Of parsing tasks, the tokenize step will often take the most time, so its
performance should be prioritized. Unfortunately, classes, functions and
high level structures can slow down your tokenizer. Be ready to write dirty
code with repeated statements. This is why it is difficult to extend the
default [PostCSS tokenizer]; copy & paste will be a necessary evil.
Second optimization is using character codes instead of strings.
// Slow
string[i] === '{';
// Fast
const OPEN_CURLY = 123; // `{'
string.charCodeAt(i) === OPEN_CURLY;
Third optimization is “fast jumps”. If you find open quotes, you can find
next closing quote much faster by `indexOf`:
// Simple jump
next = string.indexOf('"', currentPosition + 1);
// Jump by RegExp
regexp.lastIndex = currentPosion + 1;
next = regexp.lastIndex;
The parser can be a well written class. There is no need in copy-paste and
hardcore optimization there. You can extend the default [PostCSS parser].
[PostCSS benchmarks]:
[PostCSS tokenizer]:
[PostCSS parser]:
### Node Source
Every node should have `source` property to generate correct source map.
This property contains `start` and `end` properties with `{ line, column }`,
and `input` property with an [`Input`] instance.
Your tokenizer should save the original position so that you can propagate
the values to the parser, to ensure that the source map is correctly updated.
### Raw Values
A good PostCSS parser should provide all information (including spaces symbols)
to generate byte-to-byte equal output. It is not so difficult, but respectful
for user input and allow integration smoke tests.
A parser should save all additional symbols to `node.raws` object.
It is an open structure for you, you can add additional keys.
For example, [SCSS parser] saves comment types (`/* */` or `//`)
in `node.raws.inline`.
The default parser cleans CSS values from comments and spaces.
It saves the original value with comments to `node.raws.value.raw` and uses it,
if the node value was not changed.
[SCSS parser]:
### Tests
Of course, all parsers in the PostCSS ecosystem must have tests.
If your parser just extends CSS syntax (like [SCSS] or [Safe Parser]),
you can use the [PostCSS Parser Tests]. It contains unit & integration tests.
[PostCSS Parser Tests]:
## Stringifier
A style guide generator is a good example of a stringifier. It generates output
HTML which contains CSS components. For this use case, a parser isn't necessary,
so the package should just contain a stringifier.
The Stringifier API is little bit more complicated, than the parser API.
PostCSS generates a source map, so a stringifier can’t just return a string.
It must link every substring with its source node.
A Stringifier is a function which receives [`Root`] node and builder callback.
Then it calls builder with every node’s string and node instance.
module.exports = function (root, builder) {
// Some magic
var string = decl.prop + ':' + decl.value + ';';
builder(string, decl);
// Some science
### Main Theory
PostCSS [default stringifier] is just a class with a method for each node type
and many methods to detect raw properties.
In most cases it will be enough just to extend this class,
like in [SCSS stringifier].
[default stringifier]:
[SCSS stringifier]:
### Builder Function
A builder function will be passed to `stringify` function as second argument.
For example, the default PostCSS stringifier class saves it
to `this.builder` property.
Builder receives output substring and source node to append this substring
to the final output.
Some nodes contain other nodes in the middle. For example, a rule has a `{`
at the beginning, many declarations inside and a closing `}`.
For these cases, you should pass a third argument to builder function:
`'start'` or `'end'` string:
this.builder(rule.selector + '{', rule, 'start');
// Stringify declarations inside
this.builder('}', rule, 'end');
### Raw Values
A good PostCSS custom syntax saves all symbols and provide byte-to-byte equal
output if there were no changes.
This is why every node has `node.raws` object to store space symbol, etc.
Be careful, because sometimes these raw properties will not be present; some
nodes may be built manually, or may lose their indentation when they are moved
to another parent node.
This is why the default stringifier has a `raw()` method to autodetect raw
properties by other nodes. For example, it will look at other nodes to detect
indent size and them multiply it with the current node depth.
### Tests
A stringifier must have tests too.
You can use unit and integration test cases from [PostCSS Parser Tests].
Just compare input CSS with CSS after your parser and stringifier.
[PostCSS Parser Tests]:
'use strict';
const gulp = require('gulp');
gulp.task('clean', () => {
let del = require('del');
return del(['lib/*.js', 'postcss.js', 'build/', 'api/']);
// Build
gulp.task('compile', () => {
let sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
let changed = require('gulp-changed');
let babel = require('gulp-babel');
return gulp.src('lib/*.es6')
.pipe(changed('lib', { extension: '.js' }))
presets: [
targets: {
browsers: 'last 2 version',
node: 4
loose: true
plugins: ['add-module-exports', 'precompile-charcodes']
gulp.task('build:lib', ['compile'], () => {
return gulp.src(['lib/*.js', 'lib/*.d.ts']).pipe(gulp.dest('build/lib'));
gulp.task('build:package', () => {
const editor = require('gulp-json-editor');
return gulp.src('./package.json')
.pipe(editor((json) => {
delete json.babel;
delete json.scripts;
delete json.jest;
delete json.eslintConfig;
delete json['size-limit'];
delete json['pre-commit'];
delete json['lint-staged'];
delete json.devDependencies;
return json;
gulp.task('build:docs', () => {
let ignore = require('fs').readFileSync('.npmignore').toString()
'package.json', '.npmignore', 'lib/*', 'test/*',
'node_modules/**/*', 'docs/', 'docs/',
]).map( i => '!' + i );
return gulp.src(['**/*'].concat(ignore))
gulp.task('build', done => {
let runSequence = require('run-sequence');
runSequence('clean', ['build:lib', 'build:docs', 'build:package'], done);
// Tests
gulp.task('integration', ['build'], done => {
let postcss = require('./build');
let real = require('postcss-parser-tests/real');
real(done, css => {
return postcss.parse(css).toResult({ map: { annotation: false } });
gulp.task('version', ['build:lib'], () => {
let Processor = require('./lib/processor');
let instance = new Processor();
let pkg = require('./package');
if ( pkg.version !== instance.version ) {
throw new Error('Version in Processor is not equal to package.json');
// Common
gulp.task('default', ['version', 'integration']);
'use strict';
exports.__esModule = true;
var _container = require('./container');
var _container2 = _interopRequireDefault(_container);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
* Represents an at-rule.
* If it’s followed in the CSS by a {} block, this node will have
* a nodes property representing its children.
* @extends Container
* @example
* const root = postcss.parse('@charset "UTF-8"; @media print {}');
* const charset = root.first;
* charset.type //=> 'atrule'
* charset.nodes //=> undefined
* const media = root.last;
* media.nodes //=> []
var AtRule = function (_Container) {
_inherits(AtRule, _Container);
function AtRule(defaults) {
_classCallCheck(this, AtRule);
var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, defaults));
_this.type = 'atrule';
return _this;
AtRule.prototype.append = function append() {
var _Container$prototype$;
if (!this.nodes) this.nodes = [];
for (var _len = arguments.length, children = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
children[_key] = arguments[_key];
return (_Container$prototype$ = _Container.prototype.append).call.apply(_Container$prototype$, [this].concat(children));
AtRule.prototype.prepend = function prepend() {
var _Container$prototype$2;
if (!this.nodes) this.nodes = [];
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, children = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
children[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
return (_Container$prototype$2 = _Container.prototype.prepend).call.apply(_Container$prototype$2, [this].concat(children));
* @memberof AtRule#
* @member {string} name - the at-rule’s name immediately follows the `@`
* @example
* const root = postcss.parse('@media print {}');
* //=> 'media'
* const media = root.first;
* @memberof AtRule#
* @member {string} params - the at-rule’s parameters, the values
* that follow the at-rule’s name but precede
* any {} block
* @example
* const root = postcss.parse('@media print, screen {}');
* const media = root.first;
* media.params //=> 'print, screen'
* @memberof AtRule#
* @member {object} raws - Information to generate byte-to-byte equal
* node string as it was in the origin input.
* Every parser saves its own properties,
* but the default CSS parser uses:
* * `before`: the space symbols before the node. It also stores `*`
* and `_` symbols before the declaration (IE hack).
* * `after`: the space symbols after the last child of the node
* to the end of the node.
* * `between`: the symbols between the property and value
* for declarations, selector and `{` for rules, or last parameter
* and `{` for at-rules.
* * `semicolon`: contains true if the last child has
* an (optional) semicolon.
* * `afterName`: the space between the at-rule name and its parameters.
* PostCSS cleans at-rule parameters from comments and extra spaces,
* but it stores origin content in raws properties.
* As such, if you don’t change a declaration’s value,
* PostCSS will use the raw value with comments.
* @example
* const root = postcss.parse(' @media\nprint {\n}')
* root.first.first.raws //=> { before: ' ',
* // between: ' ',
* // afterName: '\n',
* // after: '\n' }
return AtRule;
exports.default = AtRule;
module.exports = exports['default'];
'use strict';
exports.__esModule = true;
var _node = require('./node');
var _node2 = _interopRequireDefault(_node);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
* Represents a comment between declarations or statements (rule and at-rules).
* Comments inside selectors, at-rule parameters, or declaration values
* will be stored in the `raws` properties explained above.
* @extends Node
var Comment = function (_Node) {
_inherits(Comment, _Node);
function Comment(defaults) {
_classCallCheck(this, Comment);
var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, defaults));
_this.type = 'comment';
return _this;
* @memberof Comment#
* @member {string} text - the comment’s text
* @memberof Comment#
* @member {object} raws - Information to generate byte-to-byte equal
* node string as it was in the origin input.
* Every parser saves its own properties,
* but the default CSS parser uses:
* * `before`: the space symbols before the node.
* * `left`: the space symbols between `/*` and the comment’s text.
* * `right`: the space symbols between the comment’s text.
return Comment;
exports.default = Comment;
module.exports = exports['default'];
//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf8;base64,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
'use strict';
exports.__esModule = true;
var _node = require('./node');
var _node2 = _interopRequireDefault(_node);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }
function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }
* Represents a CSS declaration.
* @extends Node
* @example
* const root = postcss.parse('a { color: black }');
* const decl = root.first.first;
* decl.type //=> 'decl'
* decl.toString() //=> ' color: black'
var Declaration = function (_Node) {
_inherits(Declaration, _Node);
function Declaration(defaults) {
_classCallCheck(this, Declaration);
var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this,, defaults));
_this.type = 'decl';
return _this;
* @memberof Declaration#
* @member {string} prop - the declaration’s property name
* @example
* const root = postcss.parse('a { color: black }');
* const decl = root.first.first;
* decl.prop //=> 'color'
* @memberof Declaration#
* @member {string} value - the declaration’s value
* @example
* const root = postcss.parse('a { color: black }');
* const decl = root.first.first;
* decl.value //=> 'black'
* @memberof Declaration#
* @member {boolean} important - `true` if the declaration
* has an !important annotation.
* @example
* const root = postcss.parse('a { color: black !important; color: red }');
* root.first.first.important //=> true
* root.first.last.important //=> undefined
* @memberof Declaration#
* @member {object} raws - Information to generate byte-to-byte equal
* node string as it was in the origin input.
* Every parser saves its own properties,
* but the default CSS parser uses:
* * `before`: the space symbols before the node. It also stores `*`
* and `_` symbols before the declaration (IE hack).
* * `between`: the symbols between the property and value
* for declarations.
* * `important`: the content of the important statement,
* if it is not just `!important`.
* PostCSS cleans declaration from comments and extra spaces,
* but it stores origin content in raws properties.
* As such, if you don’t change a declaration’s value,
* PostCSS will use the raw value with comments.
* @example
* const root = postcss.parse('a {\n color:black\n}')
* root.first.first.raws //=> { before: '\n ', between: ':' }
return Declaration;
exports.default = Declaration;
module.exports = exports['default'];
//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf8;base64,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