Commit caca0049 authored by Rosanny Sihombing's avatar Rosanny Sihombing
Browse files


parent ccdc4a7c
### SSO: Content Management Guide # SSO: Content Management Guide
#### Separating password protected and public html pages ### Separating password protected and public html pages
There are 2 options: There are 2 options:
1. Create 2 different pages 1. Create 2 different pages
- This one seems simpler since you just need to copy-paste and edit the existing html.
- However, having redundant pages often leads to inconsistency and other problems.
2. Use view engine to enable having if-else conditions on 1 page 2. Use view engine to enable having if-else conditions on 1 page
- This is the option I take for this project.
- You need to get familiar with the view engine. I use pug ( on this project.
- You can convert your existing html page to pug using this website: I have tried it to convert index.html to index.pug and it works.
#### Preventing user to directly access an html ### Preventing user to directly access an html
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