Commit 3dd6bb83 authored by Sini's avatar Sini
Browse files

Month added to bibtex

parent 192f4c7f
Pipeline #3348 passed with stage
in 18 seconds
......@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ xmlHttpRequest.onload = function (e) {
"name": "journal",
"volume": "",
"year": "",
"month": "",
"pages": ""
......@@ -124,10 +123,6 @@ xmlHttpRequest.onload = function (e) {
item["item"].journal.volume = jsonOutput[i].Volume;
item["item"].journal.year = jsonOutput[i].Year;
if (jsonOutput[i].Date != undefined){
item["item"].journal.month = jsonOutput[i].Date.split(",")[0].trim();
item["item"].journal.pages = jsonOutput[i].Pages;
item["item"] = jsonOutput[i].Conference;
item["item"] = jsonOutput[i]["City and Country"]
......@@ -142,13 +137,20 @@ xmlHttpRequest.onload = function (e) {
item["links"].url = jsonOutput[i].URL;
item["links"].demo = jsonOutput[i].Demo;
var month = "";
if (jsonOutput[i].Date != undefined){
month = jsonOutput[i].Date.split(",")[0].trim();
//// BibTex /////////////////////
item["bibtex"] = "@article{"+ bit1stAuthorLN + jsonOutput[i].Year +","+
"title={"+ jsonOutput[i].Titel +
"},author={"+ bibAuthors.trim().substring(0, bibAuthors.trim().lastIndexOf(" ")) +
"},journal={"+ jsonOutput[i].Journal +
"},volume={"+ jsonOutput[i].Volume +
// "},number={"+ jsonOutput[i].Number
"},month={"+ month +
"},pages={"+ jsonOutput[i].Pages +
"},year={"+ jsonOutput[i].Year +
"},DOI ={"+ jsonOutput[i].DOI+
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