UGL - Urban Geoinformatics Lab Website
Why UGL site?
UGL presents project teaser + publication from our group. The brief of the project helps to show people outside our research group to understand what are we doing.
How to add project content?
You can add your project to our site very easily within 5 minutes!
- For the Developers, create a new branch from the master branch. Owners and Maintainers can work directly in master branch.
- On your new branch, add the content/ project information to content.json as the example below. You may host the image file in thumbnails folder.
"item": {
"title": "3D E-bike",
"project": "ICity Project",
"author": {
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "T. Santhanavanich"
"project_year_start": "2018",
"project_year_end": "2021",
"project_is_on_going": false,
"keywords":["SensorThings API","CityGML","GIS Analyst","3D GIS","GIS Analyst", "Urban Analytics"],
"description_en": "The 3D E-bike Tracking is a 3D web-based visual analytics application designed showing various parameters from sensor systems equipped on the E-bike sharing system in the study area of a city of Stuttgart, Germany.",
"description_de":"Das 3D E-bike Tracking ist eine 3D Webanwendung zu visuellen Analyse und ist designed um verschiedene Parameter von Sensor Systemen zu zeigen. Die Sensoren sind am E-bike Sharing Systemes der Stadt Stuttgart (Deutschland) installiert."
"links": {
"youtube": " ", //(YouTubebutton)
"demo": "<link to demo/ live application>", //(Explore button)
"publication":"<link to publication>", //(Publication button)
"project":"<link to project>", //(Project button)
"presentation":"<link to presentation>", //(Presentation button)
"refIndex": 1
It is important to keep all JSON keys. The empty string is allowed. e.g. if you have no youtube content or not so sure when would your project end, you may store empty string like "youtube":"", "project_year_end",""
- After adding content, push your update to the repo.
- Create a merge request to the master branch and assign the task to Joe.
- After Joe merged your codes, you can see the update at after 1-3 minutes.
- If the content is not updated on the site, please contact the Web Developer team listing here.