Commit f5c99412 authored by Joe TS Dell's avatar Joe TS Dell
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parent 50524c74
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...@@ -11,3 +11,13 @@ Website for Geoinformatic Research Group (Prof. Coors) ...@@ -11,3 +11,13 @@ Website for Geoinformatic Research Group (Prof. Coors)
| Patrick | Web Dev. | | Patrick | Web Dev. |
| Sabo | Web Dev. | | Sabo | Web Dev. |
| Sven | QC & Tutoring | | Sven | QC & Tutoring |
## Task 27-04-2021
- Upgrade the public/js/add_paper.js to support the "URL" and "PDF" link.
- In the current "add_paper.js", all BIBTEX buttons share the same ID and not work yet. I will hide this feature for now and add it back when the BIBTEX is read made.
- Currently, I have set in the public/js/config.js the max number of the paper lists. We have to implement the "show more" feature.
- Same as the publication section, we need a script to add the public/content/team.json to our team section.
- Make sure the Search feature works.
- Currently, the "public\js\language.js" only translate some part of the webpage.
- Combine all scripts together + maintaining the GIT.
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