Commit 1cf6605c authored by Riegel's avatar Riegel
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2 merge requests!28Version 3.17.0 Release,!26Add ZIP-archive support
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Showing with 136 additions and 20 deletions
+136 -20
......@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ import;
* This class serves as a representation of a ZIP-archive containing CityGml files. The contained files are represented
* by {@link CityGmlZipEntry} objects.
public class CityGmlZipArchive implements Serializable {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(CityGmlZipArchive.class);
......@@ -29,7 +33,13 @@ public class CityGmlZipArchive implements Serializable {
private final Path archivePath;
private final String archiveNameRE;
* Registers a ZIP-file as an archive. All contained XML and GML files will be registered as {@link CityGmlZipEntry} objects.
* @param zipFile path of the ZIP-file
* @return A {@link CityGmlZipArchive} object representing the archive, or null if read-access for the ZIP-file was denied
* @throws MalformedZipFileException if the ZIP-file has encoding errors
public static CityGmlZipArchive register(String zipFile) throws MalformedZipFileException {
ArrayList<CityGmlZipEntry> archiveEntries = new ArrayList<>();
CityGmlZipArchive cgmlArchive = new CityGmlZipArchive(Path.of(zipFile));
......@@ -40,6 +50,7 @@ public class CityGmlZipArchive implements Serializable {
if (ze.getName().endsWith(".gml") || ze.getName().endsWith(".xml")) {
// Ignore report files generated by CityDoctor
if (ze.getName().endsWith("_report.xml")) {
......@@ -62,6 +73,11 @@ public class CityGmlZipArchive implements Serializable {
* Attempts to load all contained {@link CityGmlZipEntry} objects into memory.
* @param config Parser configuration for the entries
public void mountArchive(ParserConfiguration config) {
try (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(archivePath.toFile())) {
for (CityGmlZipEntry entry : entries) {
......@@ -79,34 +95,55 @@ public class CityGmlZipArchive implements Serializable {
private void setEntries(List<CityGmlZipEntry> entries) {
this.entries = entries;
entries.forEach(e -> e.setArchive(this));
* Saves this archive as a ZIP-file.
* @param path target path for the export
public void exportToZipFile(String path) {
ArchivePacker.packArchive(path, this);
public CityGmlZipEntry getEntry(String fileName) {
fileName = stripArchivePath(fileName);
* Gets an entry in this archive by its subpath.
* @param subpath subpath to the entry from this archive's root directory
* @return the corresponding entry, or null if entry could not be found
public CityGmlZipEntry getEntry(String subpath) {
subpath = stripArchivePath(subpath);
for (CityGmlZipEntry entry : entries) {
String entryName = stripArchivePath(entry.getEntrySubPath());
if (entryName.equals(fileName)) {
if (entryName.equals(subpath)) {
return entry;
return null;
* Strips the root directory name of this archive from an entry subpath.
* @param path the relative path to the entry
* @return String of the path without the root directory
private String stripArchivePath(String path) {
Path systemPath = Path.of(path);
return systemPath.toString().replace(archiveNameRE, "");
* Gets the path to the ZIP-file associated with this archive.
* @return path of the ZIP-file
public Path getArchivePath() {
return archivePath;
* Gets the entry list of this archive.
* @return the entry list
public List<CityGmlZipEntry> getEntries() {
return entries;
......@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ import;
import java.nio.file.Path;
* This class serves as a representation of a CityGml file in a ZIP archive.
* <p/>
* The {@link CityDoctorModel} of the associated file can only be accessed after loading the corresponding entry.
public class CityGmlZipEntry implements Serializable {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(CityGmlZipEntry.class);
......@@ -31,16 +36,28 @@ public class CityGmlZipEntry implements Serializable {
private static final long MB = 1024 * 1024L;
private ZipEntryErrorType errorType = null;
public static CityGmlZipEntry of(ZipEntry entry, CityGmlZipArchive parentArchive, ParserConfiguration config) {
CityGmlZipEntry ze = CityGmlZipEntry.register(entry, parentArchive);
return ze;
* Attempts to parse the CityGML model associated with this entry and loads it into memory.
* <p/>
* In the event of a parsing error, the entry will be flagged by assigning the appropriate
* {@link ZipEntryErrorType} to the errorType field.
* @param config Parser configuration for this model
public void loadEntry(ParserConfiguration config) {
loadEntry(config, null);
* Attempts to parse the CityGML model associated with this entry and loads it into memory.
* <p/>
* In the event of a parsing error, the entry will be flagged by assigning the appropriate
* {@link ZipEntryErrorType} to the errorType field.
* @param config Parser configuration for this model
* @param l ProgressListener for tracking parsing progress
public void loadEntry(ParserConfiguration config, ProgressListener l) {
if (inMemory) {
......@@ -61,6 +78,16 @@ public class CityGmlZipEntry implements Serializable {
* Registers a {@link ZipEntry ZipEntry} in a ZIP-archive as a {@link CityGmlZipEntry}.
* <p/>
* If the filesize of the associated file exceeds the total available system memory, or read access is denied,
* the entry will be flagged by assigning the appropriate {@link ZipEntryErrorType} to the errorType field.
* @param entry The ZipEntry object
* @param parentArchive The parent archive for this entry
* @return A corresponding CityGmlZipEntry object
public static CityGmlZipEntry register(ZipEntry entry, CityGmlZipArchive parentArchive) {
CityGmlZipEntry cgzEntry = new CityGmlZipEntry(entry, parentArchive, false);
try {
......@@ -74,6 +101,12 @@ public class CityGmlZipEntry implements Serializable {
return cgzEntry;
* Checks if the filesize of this entry would exceed the system's available memory.
* @return true if within limits, false otherwise
* @throws IOException if read access to the ZIP-archive is denied
private boolean entrySizeWithinMemoryLimits() throws IOException {
long memoryLimit = (long) Math.ceil(((double) Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / MB) * 0.9);
if (fileSize == -1L) {
......@@ -103,31 +136,43 @@ public class CityGmlZipEntry implements Serializable {
this.parentArchive = parentArchive;
public void setArchive(CityGmlZipArchive archive) {
parentArchive = archive;
* Gets the parent archive of this entry.
* @return the archive
public CityGmlZipArchive getArchive() {
return parentArchive;
* Gets this entry's sub-path in the archive.
* Gets the sub-path in the archive of the file associated with this entry.
* @return Relative sub-path from the archive root directory.
* @return the relative sub-path from the archive root directory
public String getEntrySubPath() {
return fileName;
* Gets the name of the file associated with this entry.
* @return the filename
public String getDisplayName() {
return displayName;
* Gets the {@link ZipEntryErrorType} of this entry.
* @return the error type, or null if this entry is not erroneous
public ZipEntryErrorType getErrorType() {
return errorType;
* Gets the {@link CityDoctorModel} of this entry.
* @return The model, or null if the entry has not been loaded or is erroneous
public CityDoctorModel getModel() {
return model;
......@@ -136,14 +181,20 @@ public class CityGmlZipEntry implements Serializable {
fileSize = size;
* Resolves the reference path of a {@link de.hft.stuttgart.citydoctor2.datastructure.LibraryObject LibraryObject}
* in the {@link CityDoctorModel} of this entry.
* @param libraryObjectPath The reference path to the LibraryObject's CityGml file
* @return Relative sub-path within the archive to the CityGml file
public Path resolveLibraryObjectPath(String libraryObjectPath) {
return filePath.getParent().resolve(libraryObjectPath);
* Returns whether this entry has been loaded into memory.
* Checks if the {@link CityDoctorModel} of this entry has been loaded into memory.
* @return true if
* @return true if it is loaded, false otherwise
public boolean isLoaded() {
return inMemory;
......@@ -152,7 +203,7 @@ public class CityGmlZipEntry implements Serializable {
* Returns the estimated uncompressed filesize of this entry.
* @return filesize in bytes, -1 if filesize unknown
* @return filesize in bytes, -1L if filesize is unknown
public long getFileSize() {
return fileSize;
......@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ import;
* This class serves as a resource for read-access to the file that is being represented by
* a CityGmlZipEntry object.
* <p/>
* Does not decompress the file or the parent ZIP-archive.
public class CityGmlZipEntryFile implements AutoCloseable {
private final ZipFile zip;
......@@ -13,6 +19,12 @@ public class CityGmlZipEntryFile implements AutoCloseable {
private final CityGmlZipEntry cgmlZipEntry;
private boolean closed = false;
* Creates a {@link CityGmlZipEntryFile} for a {@link CityGmlZipEntry} object's referenced file.
* @param entry the requested entry
* @throws IOException if read access to the ZIP-archive is denied.
public CityGmlZipEntryFile(CityGmlZipEntry entry) throws IOException {
CityGmlZipArchive archive = entry.getArchive();
zip = new ZipFile(archive.getArchivePath().toFile());
......@@ -20,6 +32,14 @@ public class CityGmlZipEntryFile implements AutoCloseable {
this.cgmlZipEntry = entry;
* Gets a new InputStream of this file.
* <p/>
* Returned streams are independent of each other, but will all be closed when the {@link CityGmlZipEntryFile} object
* is closed.
* @return an InputStream of this file.
* @throws IOException when this method is called after the file has been closed.
public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
if (closed){
throw new IOException("Stream closed");
......@@ -27,6 +47,11 @@ public class CityGmlZipEntryFile implements AutoCloseable {
return zip.getInputStream(zipEntry);
* Gets an estimation of this file's filesize.
* @return filesize in bytes, -1L if unknown
* @throws IOException when this method is called after the file has been closed.
public long getFileSize() throws IOException {
if (closed){
throw new IOException("Stream closed");
* Error types for {@link CityGmlZipEntry} objects.
public enum ZipEntryErrorType {
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