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Created with Raphaël 2.2.010Dec9326Nov1918151413121186431Oct30292524232221181110742123Sep201918171110428Aug13129865131Jul302926251211221Mar20117Nov25Oct1113Jul2Jun17May1612928Apr1131Mar14Dec12Jul11828Jun241021Mar26Jan1313Dec317Nov6Sep3Aug16Jul14Jun11109816Apr1423Mar2219181716151243225Feb19171029Jan2522143Dec130Nov262423161312113230Oct235130SepRefactor: Rework parsing of CityGmlZipEntryFeat: Make CityGmlArchive serializableTest: Add test for EPSG-parsing from ZIP-fileFeat: Add buffering of InputStream for EPSG-parsingRefactor: Extract EPSG-parsing error logger to methodTest: Streamline testcasesTest: Adjust zip-parsing test casesRefactor: Cleanup codeFix: Use correct InputStream for parsing of ZipEntryBuild: Change pom to load all modules by defaultFeat: Add entrypoints for parsing CityModel from StreamRefactor: Rework parsing to use Streams instead of tempDirRefactor: Extract faulty entry handling by subclassingRefactor: Rework CityGmlArchive to use Streams for parsingRefactor: Add first implementation of PicoCLI for CLI reworkFeat: Add elements for ZipLoaderGUIRefactor: Cleanup codeFix: Make parsing of path OS-agnosticFeat: Add exporting of CityGmlArchive to zip-fileTest: Add test for excessive filesizeRefactor: Move handling of ZipEntry copy to CityGmlZipEntryFix: Add missing Tunnel support in CityDoctorControllerTest: Add UnitTests for ZipLoaderFeat: Implement unzipping of zip-filesFeat: Add basis for ZipLoader implementationVektorklasse zur Übungszwecken in Java hinzugefügtMerge branch '98-test_issue2_baris' into 'dev_cpp_code_conversion'Test Issue wird übermitteltMerge branch '99-test_issue_3_tim' into 'dev_cpp_code_conversion'Test Ordner von Tim und Jeśs geloeschtaanederung in TestBHT zum ueben von git pushMerge branch '97-test_issue_2_tim' into 'dev_cpp_code_conversion'Merge branch '96-issue_try_jessica_2' into 'dev_cpp_code_conversion'Ordner mit Datei zum testen hinzugefuegt.folders where deleted back to current stateMerge branch '96-issue_try_jessica_2' into 'dev_cpp_code_conversion'Ordner von Tim geloeschtMerge branch '94-issue_try_out_tim' into 'dev_cpp_code_conversion'aenderung rueckgaenig gemachttest2 push von tim