CityDoctor2 is a Java program for validating CityGML files. It checks whether certain criteria for e.g. geometries are met and outputs a report on the results.
Use Maven to build CityDoctor2.
cd CityDoctorParent
mvn install
Needs the citygml4j quality ade plugin from here. Install the plugin first, then build CityDoctor2
Once built there is a CityDoctorValidation-<version>.zip file in the target folder of the CityDoctorValidation folder in which the CityDoctorValidation jar can be used to start the program.
java -classpath libs/*;plugins/*;CityDoctorValidation-<version>.jar de.hft.stuttgart.citydoctor2.CityDoctorValidation -in <path-to-gml-file>.gml -config <path-to-validation-config>.yml -xmlReport <path-to-xml-output>.xml -pdfReport <path-to-pdf-output>.pdf -out <path-to-output-gml>.gml
Note: -xmlReport, -pdfReport and -out are optional