
pipeline status

CityDoctor2 is a Java program for validating CityGML files. It checks whether certain criteria for e.g. geometries are met and outputs a report on the results.


Here is a homepage with more detailed installation instruction and more information about the quality management process itself.


The newest releases can be found in this gitlab repository.

You can download older releases from the BHT page here or from a git repository here.

Since version 3.12.0 CityDoctor2 requires java version 17, older version are based on version 1.8. The GUI version requires Javafx which is included in Java 1.8 but not in Java 17. You can download a Java version with Javafx included from here. Choose your platform and then choose to download the full JRE or JDK which includes Javafx.

The releases include builds for the validation library (CityDoctorValidation-x.x.x) and the grahpic user interface (CityDoctorGUI-x.x.x). While the GUI is not open source it is free to use.


Use Maven to build CityDoctor2.

cd CityDoctorParent
mvn install

CityDoctor2 uses the quality ade plugin. A jar is provided in a local repository for ease of use.


Once built there is a CityDoctorValidation-<version>.zip file in the target folder of the CityDoctorValidation folder in which the CityDoctorValidation jar can be used to start the program.

There is a start script included in the binary releases of citydoctor. An example start command looks like this:

java -classpath libs/*;plugins/*;CityDoctorValidation-<version>.jar de.hft.stuttgart.citydoctor2.CityDoctorValidation -in <path-to-gml-file>.gml -config <path-to-validation-config>.yml -xmlReport <path-to-xml-output>.xml -pdfReport <path-to-pdf-output>.pdf -out <path-to-output-gml>.gml

Note: -xmlReport, -pdfReport and -out are optional
