Commit f83b6c2a authored by Rosanny Sihombing's avatar Rosanny Sihombing
Browse files

Merge branch 'MLAB-677' into 'testing'


See merge request !165
parents c2b73ce6 24e3ee4b
Pipeline #6893 passed with stage
in 8 seconds
......@@ -9,12 +9,8 @@ var _generated = require("../generated");
var _removeTypeDuplicates = require("../../modifications/typescript/removeTypeDuplicates");
var _index = require("../../validators/generated/index");
function createTSUnionType(typeAnnotations) {
const types = => {
return (0, _index.isTSTypeAnnotation)(type) ? type.typeAnnotation : type;
const types = => type.typeAnnotation);
const flattened = (0, _removeTypeDuplicates.default)(types);
if (flattened.length === 1) {
......@@ -278,8 +278,7 @@ defineType("ForStatement", {
const functionCommon = () => ({
const functionCommon = {
params: {
validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "Pattern", "RestElement")))
......@@ -289,11 +288,9 @@ const functionCommon = () => ({
async: {
default: false
exports.functionCommon = functionCommon;
const functionTypeAnnotationCommon = () => ({
const functionTypeAnnotationCommon = {
returnType: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeAnnotation", "TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"),
optional: true
......@@ -302,11 +299,9 @@ const functionTypeAnnotationCommon = () => ({
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterDeclaration", "TSTypeParameterDeclaration", "Noop"),
optional: true
exports.functionTypeAnnotationCommon = functionTypeAnnotationCommon;
const functionDeclarationCommon = () => Object.assign({}, functionCommon(), {
const functionDeclarationCommon = Object.assign({}, functionCommon, {
declare: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"),
optional: true
......@@ -316,12 +311,11 @@ const functionDeclarationCommon = () => Object.assign({}, functionCommon(), {
optional: true
exports.functionDeclarationCommon = functionDeclarationCommon;
defineType("FunctionDeclaration", {
builder: ["id", "params", "body", "generator", "async"],
visitor: ["id", "params", "body", "returnType", "typeParameters"],
fields: Object.assign({}, functionDeclarationCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, functionDeclarationCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, {
body: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement")
......@@ -344,7 +338,7 @@ defineType("FunctionDeclaration", {
defineType("FunctionExpression", {
inherits: "FunctionDeclaration",
aliases: ["Scopable", "Function", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Expression", "Pureish"],
fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, {
id: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"),
optional: true
......@@ -358,24 +352,21 @@ defineType("FunctionExpression", {
const patternLikeCommon = () => ({
const patternLikeCommon = {
typeAnnotation: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeAnnotation", "TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"),
optional: true
decorators: {
validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))),
optional: true
validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator")))
exports.patternLikeCommon = patternLikeCommon;
defineType("Identifier", {
builder: ["name"],
visitor: ["typeAnnotation", "decorators"],
aliases: ["Expression", "PatternLike", "LVal", "TSEntityName"],
fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon, {
name: {
validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), Object.assign(function (node, key, val) {
if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return;
......@@ -596,7 +587,7 @@ defineType("ObjectExpression", {
defineType("ObjectMethod", {
builder: ["kind", "key", "params", "body", "computed", "generator", "async"],
fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, {
kind: Object.assign({
validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("method", "get", "set")
}, !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? {
......@@ -607,7 +598,7 @@ defineType("ObjectMethod", {
key: {
validate: function () {
const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral");
const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral");
const computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression");
const validator = function (node, key, val) {
......@@ -615,7 +606,7 @@ defineType("ObjectMethod", {
validator(node, key, val);
validator.oneOfNodeTypes = ["Expression", "Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral"];
validator.oneOfNodeTypes = ["Expression", "Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral"];
return validator;
......@@ -692,7 +683,7 @@ defineType("RestElement", {
builder: ["argument"],
aliases: ["LVal", "PatternLike"],
deprecatedAlias: "RestProperty",
fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon, {
argument: {
validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("LVal") : (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern", "MemberExpression", "TSAsExpression", "TSTypeAssertion", "TSNonNullExpression")
......@@ -919,7 +910,7 @@ defineType("AssignmentPattern", {
visitor: ["left", "right", "decorators"],
builder: ["left", "right"],
aliases: ["Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal"],
fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon, {
left: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "ObjectPattern", "ArrayPattern", "MemberExpression", "TSAsExpression", "TSTypeAssertion", "TSNonNullExpression")
......@@ -936,7 +927,7 @@ defineType("ArrayPattern", {
visitor: ["elements", "typeAnnotation"],
builder: ["elements"],
aliases: ["Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal"],
fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon, {
elements: {
validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeOrValueType)("null", "PatternLike")))
......@@ -954,7 +945,7 @@ defineType("ArrowFunctionExpression", {
builder: ["params", "body", "async"],
visitor: ["params", "body", "returnType", "typeParameters"],
aliases: ["Scopable", "Function", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Expression", "Pureish"],
fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, {
expression: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")
......@@ -1276,8 +1267,7 @@ defineType("MetaProperty", {
const classMethodOrPropertyCommon = () => ({
const classMethodOrPropertyCommon = {
abstract: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"),
optional: true
......@@ -1307,13 +1297,11 @@ const classMethodOrPropertyCommon = () => ({
const validator = node.computed ? computed : normal;
validator(node, key, val);
}(), (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral", "Expression"))
}(), (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "Expression"))
exports.classMethodOrPropertyCommon = classMethodOrPropertyCommon;
const classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = () => Object.assign({}, functionCommon(), classMethodOrPropertyCommon(), {
const classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = Object.assign({}, functionCommon, classMethodOrPropertyCommon, {
params: {
validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "Pattern", "RestElement", "TSParameterProperty")))
......@@ -1330,13 +1318,12 @@ const classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = () => Object.assign({}, functionCommon(
optional: true
exports.classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon;
defineType("ClassMethod", {
aliases: ["Function", "Scopable", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Method"],
builder: ["kind", "key", "params", "body", "computed", "static", "generator", "async"],
visitor: ["key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters"],
fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, {
body: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement")
......@@ -1346,7 +1333,7 @@ defineType("ObjectPattern", {
visitor: ["properties", "typeAnnotation", "decorators"],
builder: ["properties"],
aliases: ["Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal"],
fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon, {
properties: {
validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("RestElement", "ObjectProperty")))
......@@ -1528,7 +1515,7 @@ defineType("ClassProperty", {
visitor: ["key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators"],
builder: ["key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators", "computed", "static"],
aliases: ["Property"],
fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrPropertyCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrPropertyCommon, {
value: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"),
optional: true
......@@ -1563,16 +1550,16 @@ defineType("ClassAccessorProperty", {
visitor: ["key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators"],
builder: ["key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators", "computed", "static"],
aliases: ["Property", "Accessor"],
fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrPropertyCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrPropertyCommon, {
key: {
validate: (0, _utils.chain)(function () {
const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral", "PrivateName");
const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "PrivateName");
const computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression");
return function (node, key, val) {
const validator = node.computed ? computed : normal;
validator(node, key, val);
}(), (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral", "Expression", "PrivateName"))
}(), (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "Expression", "PrivateName"))
value: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"),
......@@ -1624,10 +1611,6 @@ defineType("ClassPrivateProperty", {
validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))),
optional: true
static: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"),
default: false
readonly: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"),
optional: true
......@@ -1646,11 +1629,7 @@ defineType("ClassPrivateMethod", {
builder: ["kind", "key", "params", "body", "static"],
visitor: ["key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters"],
aliases: ["Function", "Scopable", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Method", "Private"],
fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), {
kind: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("get", "set", "method"),
default: "method"
fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, {
key: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("PrivateName")
......@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ var _is = require("../validators/is");
const defineType = (0, _utils.defineAliasedType)("TypeScript");
const bool = (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean");
const tSFunctionTypeAnnotationCommon = () => ({
const tSFunctionTypeAnnotationCommon = {
returnType: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"),
optional: true
......@@ -18,8 +17,7 @@ const tSFunctionTypeAnnotationCommon = () => ({
validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSTypeParameterDeclaration", "Noop"),
optional: true
defineType("TSParameterProperty", {
aliases: ["LVal"],
visitor: ["parameter"],
......@@ -48,11 +46,11 @@ defineType("TSParameterProperty", {
defineType("TSDeclareFunction", {
aliases: ["Statement", "Declaration"],
visitor: ["id", "typeParameters", "params", "returnType"],
fields: Object.assign({}, (0, _core.functionDeclarationCommon)(), tSFunctionTypeAnnotationCommon())
fields: Object.assign({}, _core.functionDeclarationCommon, tSFunctionTypeAnnotationCommon)
defineType("TSDeclareMethod", {
visitor: ["decorators", "key", "typeParameters", "params", "returnType"],
fields: Object.assign({}, (0, _core.classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon)(), tSFunctionTypeAnnotationCommon())
fields: Object.assign({}, _core.classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon, tSFunctionTypeAnnotationCommon)
defineType("TSQualifiedName", {
aliases: ["TSEntityName"],
......@@ -62,33 +60,27 @@ defineType("TSQualifiedName", {
right: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier")
const signatureDeclarationCommon = () => ({
const signatureDeclarationCommon = {
typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeParameterDeclaration"),
["parameters"]: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)(["Identifier", "RestElement"]),
["typeAnnotation"]: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeAnnotation")
const callConstructSignatureDeclaration = {
aliases: ["TSTypeElement"],
visitor: ["typeParameters", "parameters", "typeAnnotation"],
fields: signatureDeclarationCommon()
fields: signatureDeclarationCommon
defineType("TSCallSignatureDeclaration", callConstructSignatureDeclaration);
defineType("TSConstructSignatureDeclaration", callConstructSignatureDeclaration);
const namedTypeElementCommon = () => ({
const namedTypeElementCommon = {
key: (0, _utils.validateType)("Expression"),
computed: {
default: false
computed: (0, _utils.validate)(bool),
optional: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool)
defineType("TSPropertySignature", {
aliases: ["TSTypeElement"],
visitor: ["key", "typeAnnotation", "initializer"],
fields: Object.assign({}, namedTypeElementCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, namedTypeElementCommon, {
readonly: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool),
typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeAnnotation"),
initializer: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("Expression"),
......@@ -100,7 +92,7 @@ defineType("TSPropertySignature", {
defineType("TSMethodSignature", {
aliases: ["TSTypeElement"],
visitor: ["key", "typeParameters", "parameters", "typeAnnotation"],
fields: Object.assign({}, signatureDeclarationCommon(), namedTypeElementCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, signatureDeclarationCommon, namedTypeElementCommon, {
kind: {
validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("method", "get", "set")
......@@ -136,10 +128,10 @@ const fnOrCtrBase = {
visitor: ["typeParameters", "parameters", "typeAnnotation"]
defineType("TSFunctionType", Object.assign({}, fnOrCtrBase, {
fields: signatureDeclarationCommon()
fields: signatureDeclarationCommon
defineType("TSConstructorType", Object.assign({}, fnOrCtrBase, {
fields: Object.assign({}, signatureDeclarationCommon(), {
fields: Object.assign({}, signatureDeclarationCommon, {
abstract: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool)
......@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ export interface ObjectExpression extends BaseNode {
export interface ObjectMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectMethod";
kind: "method" | "get" | "set";
key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral;
key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>;
body: BlockStatement;
computed: boolean;
......@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ export interface MetaProperty extends BaseNode {
export interface ClassMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassMethod";
kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor";
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression;
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
body: BlockStatement;
computed: boolean;
......@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ export interface OptionalCallExpression extends BaseNode {
export interface ClassProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassProperty";
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression;
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression;
value: Expression | null;
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
decorators: Array<Decorator> | null;
......@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ export interface ClassProperty extends BaseNode {
export interface ClassAccessorProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassAccessorProperty";
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression | PrivateName;
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression | PrivateName;
value: Expression | null;
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
decorators: Array<Decorator> | null;
......@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ export interface ClassPrivateProperty extends BaseNode {
key: PrivateName;
value: Expression | null;
decorators: Array<Decorator> | null;
static: boolean;
static: any;
definite: boolean | null;
readonly: boolean | null;
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
......@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ export interface ClassPrivateProperty extends BaseNode {
export interface ClassPrivateMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassPrivateMethod";
kind: "get" | "set" | "method";
kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor";
key: PrivateName;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
body: BlockStatement;
......@@ -1268,7 +1268,7 @@ export interface TSDeclareFunction extends BaseNode {
export interface TSDeclareMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "TSDeclareMethod";
decorators: Array<Decorator> | null;
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression;
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression;
typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
returnType: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
......@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ export interface TSPropertySignature extends BaseNode {
key: Expression;
typeAnnotation: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
initializer: Expression | null;
computed: boolean;
computed: boolean | null;
kind: "get" | "set";
optional: boolean | null;
readonly: boolean | null;
......@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@ export interface TSMethodSignature extends BaseNode {
typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null;
parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>;
typeAnnotation: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
computed: boolean;
computed: boolean | null;
kind: "method" | "get" | "set";
optional: boolean | null;
......@@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@ export function memberExpression(object: Expression, property: Expression | Iden
export function newExpression(callee: Expression | V8IntrinsicIdentifier, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>): NewExpression;
export function program(body: Array<Statement>, directives?: Array<Directive>, sourceType?: "script" | "module", interpreter?: InterpreterDirective | null): Program;
export function objectExpression(properties: Array<ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty | SpreadElement>): ObjectExpression;
export function objectMethod(kind: "method" | "get" | "set" | undefined, key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ObjectMethod;
export function objectMethod(kind: "method" | "get" | "set" | undefined, key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ObjectMethod;
export function objectProperty(key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | DecimalLiteral | PrivateName, value: Expression | PatternLike, computed?: boolean, shorthand?: boolean, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null): ObjectProperty;
export function restElement(argument: LVal): RestElement;
export function returnStatement(argument?: Expression | null): ReturnStatement;
......@@ -1832,7 +1832,7 @@ export function importDefaultSpecifier(local: Identifier): ImportDefaultSpecifie
export function importNamespaceSpecifier(local: Identifier): ImportNamespaceSpecifier;
export function importSpecifier(local: Identifier, imported: Identifier | StringLiteral): ImportSpecifier;
export function metaProperty(meta: Identifier, property: Identifier): MetaProperty;
export function classMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor" | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ClassMethod;
export function classMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor" | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ClassMethod;
export function objectPattern(properties: Array<RestElement | ObjectProperty>): ObjectPattern;
export function spreadElement(argument: Expression): SpreadElement;
declare function _super(): Super;
......@@ -1848,10 +1848,10 @@ export function bigIntLiteral(value: string): BigIntLiteral;
export function exportNamespaceSpecifier(exported: Identifier): ExportNamespaceSpecifier;
export function optionalMemberExpression(object: Expression, property: Expression | Identifier, computed: boolean | undefined, optional: boolean): OptionalMemberExpression;
export function optionalCallExpression(callee: Expression, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>, optional: boolean): OptionalCallExpression;
export function classProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassProperty;
export function classAccessorProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression | PrivateName, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassAccessorProperty;
export function classPrivateProperty(key: PrivateName, value?: Expression | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, _static?: boolean): ClassPrivateProperty;
export function classPrivateMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | undefined, key: PrivateName, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, _static?: boolean): ClassPrivateMethod;
export function classProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassProperty;
export function classAccessorProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression | PrivateName, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassAccessorProperty;
export function classPrivateProperty(key: PrivateName, value: Expression | null | undefined, decorators: Array<Decorator> | null | undefined, _static: any): ClassPrivateProperty;
export function classPrivateMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor" | undefined, key: PrivateName, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, _static?: boolean): ClassPrivateMethod;
export function privateName(id: Identifier): PrivateName;
export function staticBlock(body: Array<Statement>): StaticBlock;
export function anyTypeAnnotation(): AnyTypeAnnotation;
......@@ -1953,7 +1953,7 @@ export function pipelineBareFunction(callee: Expression): PipelineBareFunction;
export function pipelinePrimaryTopicReference(): PipelinePrimaryTopicReference;
export function tsParameterProperty(parameter: Identifier | AssignmentPattern): TSParameterProperty;
export function tsDeclareFunction(id: Identifier | null | undefined, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareFunction;
export function tsDeclareMethod(decorators: Array<Decorator> | null | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareMethod;
export function tsDeclareMethod(decorators: Array<Decorator> | null | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareMethod;
export function tsQualifiedName(left: TSEntityName, right: Identifier): TSQualifiedName;
export function tsCallSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSCallSignatureDeclaration;
export function tsConstructSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null | undefined, parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>, typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null): TSConstructSignatureDeclaration;
......@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ interface FunctionDeclaration extends BaseNode {
id?: Identifier | null;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>;
body: BlockStatement;
generator: boolean;
async: boolean;
generator?: boolean;
async?: boolean;
declare?: boolean | null;
predicate?: DeclaredPredicate | InferredPredicate | null;
returnType?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
......@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ interface FunctionExpression extends BaseNode {
id?: Identifier | null;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>;
body: BlockStatement;
generator: boolean;
async: boolean;
generator?: boolean;
async?: boolean;
predicate?: DeclaredPredicate | InferredPredicate | null;
returnType?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
......@@ -242,12 +242,12 @@ interface ObjectExpression extends BaseNode {
interface ObjectMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "ObjectMethod";
kind: "method" | "get" | "set";
key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral;
key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>;
body: BlockStatement;
computed: boolean;
generator: boolean;
async: boolean;
generator?: boolean;
async?: boolean;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
returnType?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ interface ArrowFunctionExpression extends BaseNode {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression";
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>;
body: BlockStatement | Expression;
async: boolean;
async?: boolean;
expression: boolean;
generator?: boolean;
predicate?: DeclaredPredicate | InferredPredicate | null;
......@@ -459,14 +459,14 @@ interface MetaProperty extends BaseNode {
interface ClassMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassMethod";
kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor";
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression;
kind?: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor";
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
body: BlockStatement;
computed: boolean;
static: boolean;
generator: boolean;
async: boolean;
computed?: boolean;
static?: boolean;
generator?: boolean;
async?: boolean;
abstract?: boolean | null;
access?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
accessibility?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
......@@ -552,12 +552,12 @@ interface OptionalCallExpression extends BaseNode {
interface ClassProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassProperty";
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression;
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression;
value?: Expression | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
computed: boolean;
static: boolean;
computed?: boolean;
static?: boolean;
abstract?: boolean | null;
accessibility?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
declare?: boolean | null;
......@@ -569,12 +569,12 @@ interface ClassProperty extends BaseNode {
interface ClassAccessorProperty extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassAccessorProperty";
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression | PrivateName;
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression | PrivateName;
value?: Expression | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
computed: boolean;
static: boolean;
computed?: boolean;
static?: boolean;
abstract?: boolean | null;
accessibility?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
declare?: boolean | null;
......@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ interface ClassPrivateProperty extends BaseNode {
key: PrivateName;
value?: Expression | null;
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
static: boolean;
static: any;
definite?: boolean | null;
readonly?: boolean | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
......@@ -597,11 +597,11 @@ interface ClassPrivateProperty extends BaseNode {
interface ClassPrivateMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassPrivateMethod";
kind: "get" | "set" | "method";
kind?: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor";
key: PrivateName;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
body: BlockStatement;
static: boolean;
static?: boolean;
abstract?: boolean | null;
access?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
accessibility?: "public" | "private" | "protected" | null;
......@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ interface TSDeclareFunction extends BaseNode {
interface TSDeclareMethod extends BaseNode {
type: "TSDeclareMethod";
decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null;
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression;
key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression;
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null;
params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>;
returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null;
......@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ interface TSPropertySignature extends BaseNode {
key: Expression;
typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
initializer?: Expression | null;
computed?: boolean;
computed?: boolean | null;
kind: "get" | "set";
optional?: boolean | null;
readonly?: boolean | null;
......@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ interface TSMethodSignature extends BaseNode {
typeParameters?: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | null;
parameters: Array<Identifier | RestElement>;
typeAnnotation?: TSTypeAnnotation | null;
computed?: boolean;
computed?: boolean | null;
kind: "method" | "get" | "set";
optional?: boolean | null;
......@@ -1855,7 +1855,7 @@ declare function createFlowUnionType<T extends FlowType>(types: [T] | Array<T>):
* Takes an array of `types` and flattens them, removing duplicates and
* returns a `UnionTypeAnnotation` node containing them.
declare function createTSUnionType(typeAnnotations: Array<TSTypeAnnotation | TSType>): TSType;
declare function createTSUnionType(typeAnnotations: Array<TSTypeAnnotation>): TSType;
declare function arrayExpression(elements?: Array<null | Expression | SpreadElement>): ArrayExpression;
declare function assignmentExpression(operator: string, left: LVal, right: Expression): AssignmentExpression;
......@@ -1891,7 +1891,7 @@ declare function memberExpression(object: Expression, property: Expression | Ide
declare function newExpression(callee: Expression | V8IntrinsicIdentifier, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>): NewExpression;
declare function program(body: Array<Statement>, directives?: Array<Directive>, sourceType?: "script" | "module", interpreter?: InterpreterDirective | null): Program;
declare function objectExpression(properties: Array<ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty | SpreadElement>): ObjectExpression;
declare function objectMethod(kind: "method" | "get" | "set" | undefined, key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ObjectMethod;
declare function objectMethod(kind: "method" | "get" | "set" | undefined, key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ObjectMethod;
declare function objectProperty(key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | DecimalLiteral | PrivateName, value: Expression | PatternLike, computed?: boolean, shorthand?: boolean, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null): ObjectProperty;
declare function restElement(argument: LVal): RestElement;
declare function returnStatement(argument?: Expression | null): ReturnStatement;
......@@ -1924,7 +1924,7 @@ declare function importDefaultSpecifier(local: Identifier): ImportDefaultSpecifi
declare function importNamespaceSpecifier(local: Identifier): ImportNamespaceSpecifier;
declare function importSpecifier(local: Identifier, imported: Identifier | StringLiteral): ImportSpecifier;
declare function metaProperty(meta: Identifier, property: Identifier): MetaProperty;
declare function classMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor" | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ClassMethod;
declare function classMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor" | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): ClassMethod;
declare function objectPattern(properties: Array<RestElement | ObjectProperty>): ObjectPattern;
declare function spreadElement(argument: Expression): SpreadElement;
declare function _super(): Super;
......@@ -1943,10 +1943,10 @@ declare function bigIntLiteral(value: string): BigIntLiteral;
declare function exportNamespaceSpecifier(exported: Identifier): ExportNamespaceSpecifier;
declare function optionalMemberExpression(object: Expression, property: Expression | Identifier, computed: boolean | undefined, optional: boolean): OptionalMemberExpression;
declare function optionalCallExpression(callee: Expression, _arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | JSXNamespacedName | ArgumentPlaceholder>, optional: boolean): OptionalCallExpression;
declare function classProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassProperty;
declare function classAccessorProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression | PrivateName, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassAccessorProperty;
declare function classPrivateProperty(key: PrivateName, value?: Expression | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, _static?: boolean): ClassPrivateProperty;
declare function classPrivateMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | undefined, key: PrivateName, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, _static?: boolean): ClassPrivateMethod;
declare function classProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassProperty;
declare function classAccessorProperty(key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression | PrivateName, value?: Expression | null, typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null, decorators?: Array<Decorator> | null, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): ClassAccessorProperty;
declare function classPrivateProperty(key: PrivateName, value: Expression | null | undefined, decorators: Array<Decorator> | null | undefined, _static: any): ClassPrivateProperty;
declare function classPrivateMethod(kind: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor" | undefined, key: PrivateName, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, body: BlockStatement, _static?: boolean): ClassPrivateMethod;
declare function privateName(id: Identifier): PrivateName;
declare function staticBlock(body: Array<Statement>): StaticBlock;
declare function anyTypeAnnotation(): AnyTypeAnnotation;
......@@ -2065,7 +2065,7 @@ declare function tsParameterProperty(parameter: Identifier | AssignmentPattern):
declare function tsDeclareFunction(id: Identifier | null | undefined, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareFunction;
declare function tsDeclareMethod(decorators: Array<Decorator> | null | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | Expression, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareMethod;
declare function tsDeclareMethod(decorators: Array<Decorator> | null | undefined, key: Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | Expression, typeParameters: TSTypeParameterDeclaration | Noop | null | undefined, params: Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement | TSParameterProperty>, returnType?: TSTypeAnnotation | Noop | null): TSDeclareMethod;
declare function tsQualifiedName(left: TSEntityName, right: Identifier): TSQualifiedName;
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ declare class BabelNodeObjectExpression extends BabelNode {
declare class BabelNodeObjectMethod extends BabelNode {
type: "ObjectMethod";
kind?: "method" | "get" | "set";
key: BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeBigIntLiteral;
key: BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral;
params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement>;
body: BabelNodeBlockStatement;
computed?: boolean;
......@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ declare class BabelNodeMetaProperty extends BabelNode {
declare class BabelNodeClassMethod extends BabelNode {
type: "ClassMethod";
kind?: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor";
key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeBigIntLiteral | BabelNodeExpression;
key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeExpression;
params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement | BabelNodeTSParameterProperty>;
body: BabelNodeBlockStatement;
computed?: boolean;
......@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ declare class BabelNodeOptionalCallExpression extends BabelNode {
declare class BabelNodeClassProperty extends BabelNode {
type: "ClassProperty";
key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeBigIntLiteral | BabelNodeExpression;
key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeExpression;
value?: BabelNodeExpression;
typeAnnotation?: BabelNodeTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeNoop;
decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>;
......@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ declare class BabelNodeClassProperty extends BabelNode {
declare class BabelNodeClassAccessorProperty extends BabelNode {
type: "ClassAccessorProperty";
key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeBigIntLiteral | BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodePrivateName;
key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodePrivateName;
value?: BabelNodeExpression;
typeAnnotation?: BabelNodeTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeNoop;
decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>;
......@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ declare class BabelNodeClassPrivateProperty extends BabelNode {
declare class BabelNodeClassPrivateMethod extends BabelNode {
type: "ClassPrivateMethod";
kind?: "get" | "set" | "method";
kind?: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor";
key: BabelNodePrivateName;
params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement | BabelNodeTSParameterProperty>;
body: BabelNodeBlockStatement;
......@@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@ declare class BabelNodeTSDeclareFunction extends BabelNode {
declare class BabelNodeTSDeclareMethod extends BabelNode {
type: "TSDeclareMethod";
decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>;
key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeBigIntLiteral | BabelNodeExpression;
key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeExpression;
typeParameters?: BabelNodeTSTypeParameterDeclaration | BabelNodeNoop;
params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement | BabelNodeTSParameterProperty>;
returnType?: BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeNoop;
......@@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@ declare module "@babel/types" {
declare export function newExpression(callee: BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodeV8IntrinsicIdentifier, _arguments: Array<BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodeSpreadElement | BabelNodeJSXNamespacedName | BabelNodeArgumentPlaceholder>): BabelNodeNewExpression;
declare export function program(body: Array<BabelNodeStatement>, directives?: Array<BabelNodeDirective>, sourceType?: "script" | "module", interpreter?: BabelNodeInterpreterDirective): BabelNodeProgram;
declare export function objectExpression(properties: Array<BabelNodeObjectMethod | BabelNodeObjectProperty | BabelNodeSpreadElement>): BabelNodeObjectExpression;
declare export function objectMethod(kind?: "method" | "get" | "set", key: BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeBigIntLiteral, params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement>, body: BabelNodeBlockStatement, computed?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): BabelNodeObjectMethod;
declare export function objectMethod(kind?: "method" | "get" | "set", key: BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral, params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement>, body: BabelNodeBlockStatement, computed?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): BabelNodeObjectMethod;
declare export function objectProperty(key: BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeBigIntLiteral | BabelNodeDecimalLiteral | BabelNodePrivateName, value: BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodePatternLike, computed?: boolean, shorthand?: boolean, decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>): BabelNodeObjectProperty;
declare export function restElement(argument: BabelNodeLVal): BabelNodeRestElement;
declare export function returnStatement(argument?: BabelNodeExpression): BabelNodeReturnStatement;
......@@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ declare module "@babel/types" {
declare export function importNamespaceSpecifier(local: BabelNodeIdentifier): BabelNodeImportNamespaceSpecifier;
declare export function importSpecifier(local: BabelNodeIdentifier, imported: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral): BabelNodeImportSpecifier;
declare export function metaProperty(meta: BabelNodeIdentifier, property: BabelNodeIdentifier): BabelNodeMetaProperty;
declare export function classMethod(kind?: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor", key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeBigIntLiteral | BabelNodeExpression, params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement | BabelNodeTSParameterProperty>, body: BabelNodeBlockStatement, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): BabelNodeClassMethod;
declare export function classMethod(kind?: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor", key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeExpression, params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement | BabelNodeTSParameterProperty>, body: BabelNodeBlockStatement, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean, generator?: boolean, async?: boolean): BabelNodeClassMethod;
declare export function objectPattern(properties: Array<BabelNodeRestElement | BabelNodeObjectProperty>): BabelNodeObjectPattern;
declare export function spreadElement(argument: BabelNodeExpression): BabelNodeSpreadElement;
declare function _super(): BabelNodeSuper;
......@@ -1743,10 +1743,10 @@ declare module "@babel/types" {
declare export function exportNamespaceSpecifier(exported: BabelNodeIdentifier): BabelNodeExportNamespaceSpecifier;
declare export function optionalMemberExpression(object: BabelNodeExpression, property: BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodeIdentifier, computed?: boolean, optional: boolean): BabelNodeOptionalMemberExpression;
declare export function optionalCallExpression(callee: BabelNodeExpression, _arguments: Array<BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodeSpreadElement | BabelNodeJSXNamespacedName | BabelNodeArgumentPlaceholder>, optional: boolean): BabelNodeOptionalCallExpression;
declare export function classProperty(key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeBigIntLiteral | BabelNodeExpression, value?: BabelNodeExpression, typeAnnotation?: BabelNodeTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeNoop, decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): BabelNodeClassProperty;
declare export function classAccessorProperty(key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeBigIntLiteral | BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodePrivateName, value?: BabelNodeExpression, typeAnnotation?: BabelNodeTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeNoop, decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): BabelNodeClassAccessorProperty;
declare export function classPrivateProperty(key: BabelNodePrivateName, value?: BabelNodeExpression, decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>, _static?: boolean): BabelNodeClassPrivateProperty;
declare export function classPrivateMethod(kind?: "get" | "set" | "method", key: BabelNodePrivateName, params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement | BabelNodeTSParameterProperty>, body: BabelNodeBlockStatement, _static?: boolean): BabelNodeClassPrivateMethod;
declare export function classProperty(key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeExpression, value?: BabelNodeExpression, typeAnnotation?: BabelNodeTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeNoop, decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): BabelNodeClassProperty;
declare export function classAccessorProperty(key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeExpression | BabelNodePrivateName, value?: BabelNodeExpression, typeAnnotation?: BabelNodeTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeNoop, decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>, computed?: boolean, _static?: boolean): BabelNodeClassAccessorProperty;
declare export function classPrivateProperty(key: BabelNodePrivateName, value?: BabelNodeExpression, decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>, _static: any): BabelNodeClassPrivateProperty;
declare export function classPrivateMethod(kind?: "get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor", key: BabelNodePrivateName, params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement | BabelNodeTSParameterProperty>, body: BabelNodeBlockStatement, _static?: boolean): BabelNodeClassPrivateMethod;
declare export function privateName(id: BabelNodeIdentifier): BabelNodePrivateName;
declare export function staticBlock(body: Array<BabelNodeStatement>): BabelNodeStaticBlock;
declare export function anyTypeAnnotation(): BabelNodeAnyTypeAnnotation;
......@@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ declare module "@babel/types" {
declare export function pipelinePrimaryTopicReference(): BabelNodePipelinePrimaryTopicReference;
declare export function tsParameterProperty(parameter: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeAssignmentPattern): BabelNodeTSParameterProperty;
declare export function tsDeclareFunction(id?: BabelNodeIdentifier, typeParameters?: BabelNodeTSTypeParameterDeclaration | BabelNodeNoop, params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement>, returnType?: BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeNoop): BabelNodeTSDeclareFunction;
declare export function tsDeclareMethod(decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>, key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeBigIntLiteral | BabelNodeExpression, typeParameters?: BabelNodeTSTypeParameterDeclaration | BabelNodeNoop, params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement | BabelNodeTSParameterProperty>, returnType?: BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeNoop): BabelNodeTSDeclareMethod;
declare export function tsDeclareMethod(decorators?: Array<BabelNodeDecorator>, key: BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeStringLiteral | BabelNodeNumericLiteral | BabelNodeExpression, typeParameters?: BabelNodeTSTypeParameterDeclaration | BabelNodeNoop, params: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodePattern | BabelNodeRestElement | BabelNodeTSParameterProperty>, returnType?: BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation | BabelNodeNoop): BabelNodeTSDeclareMethod;
declare export function tsQualifiedName(left: BabelNodeTSEntityName, right: BabelNodeIdentifier): BabelNodeTSQualifiedName;
declare export function tsCallSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters?: BabelNodeTSTypeParameterDeclaration, parameters: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeRestElement>, typeAnnotation?: BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation): BabelNodeTSCallSignatureDeclaration;
declare export function tsConstructSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters?: BabelNodeTSTypeParameterDeclaration, parameters: Array<BabelNodeIdentifier | BabelNodeRestElement>, typeAnnotation?: BabelNodeTSTypeAnnotation): BabelNodeTSConstructSignatureDeclaration;
......@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ function getQualifiedName(node) {
function removeTypeDuplicates(nodes) {
const generics = new Map();
const bases = new Map();
const generics = {};
const bases = {};
const typeGroups = new Set();
const types = [];
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ function removeTypeDuplicates(nodes) {
if ((0, _generated.isFlowBaseAnnotation)(node)) {
bases.set(node.type, node);
bases[node.type] = node;
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ function removeTypeDuplicates(nodes) {
if ((0, _generated.isGenericTypeAnnotation)(node)) {
const name = getQualifiedName(;
if (generics.has(name)) {
let existing = generics.get(name);
if (generics[name]) {
let existing = generics[name];
if (existing.typeParameters) {
if (node.typeParameters) {
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function removeTypeDuplicates(nodes) {
existing = node.typeParameters;
} else {
generics.set(name, node);
generics[name] = node;
......@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ function removeTypeDuplicates(nodes) {
for (const [, baseType] of bases) {
for (const type of Object.keys(bases)) {
for (const [, genericName] of generics) {
for (const name of Object.keys(generics)) {
return types;
......@@ -7,13 +7,9 @@ exports.default = removeTypeDuplicates;
var _generated = require("../../validators/generated");
function getQualifiedName(node) {
return (0, _generated.isIdentifier)(node) ? : `${}.${getQualifiedName(node.left)}`;
function removeTypeDuplicates(nodes) {
const generics = new Map();
const bases = new Map();
const generics = {};
const bases = {};
const typeGroups = new Set();
const types = [];
......@@ -30,7 +26,7 @@ function removeTypeDuplicates(nodes) {
if ((0, _generated.isTSBaseType)(node)) {
bases.set(node.type, node);
bases[node.type] = node;
......@@ -43,35 +39,15 @@ function removeTypeDuplicates(nodes) {
if ((0, _generated.isTSTypeReference)(node) && node.typeParameters) {
const name = getQualifiedName(node.typeName);
if (generics.has(name)) {
let existing = generics.get(name);
if (existing.typeParameters) {
if (node.typeParameters) {
existing.typeParameters.params = removeTypeDuplicates(existing.typeParameters.params.concat(node.typeParameters.params));
} else {
existing = node.typeParameters;
} else {
generics.set(name, node);
for (const [, baseType] of bases) {
for (const type of Object.keys(bases)) {
for (const [, genericName] of generics) {
for (const name of Object.keys(generics)) {
return types;
"name": "@babel/types",
"version": "7.18.8",
"version": "7.18.7",
"description": "Babel Types is a Lodash-esque utility library for AST nodes",
"author": "The Babel Team (",
"homepage": "",
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/generator": "^7.18.7",
"@babel/parser": "^7.18.8",
"@babel/parser": "^7.18.6",
"chalk": "^4.1.0",
"glob": "^7.1.7"
v0.4.3 - July 17, 2021
* [`ce78027`]( Fix: ensure config files are files (#42) (Tom Jenkinson)
* [`95b1c9b`]( Chore: pin fs-teardown@0.1.1 (#45) (Milos Djermanovic)
* [`593fbe3`]( Chore: fix failing test (#44) (Tom Jenkinson)
v0.4.2 - June 4, 2021
* [`cc79a4d`]( Upgrade: update globals to version 13.6 (#32) (Rouven Weßling)
v0.4.1 - May 7, 2021
* [`aa38ef4`]( Fix: Properly export module resolver (#34) (Richie Bendall)
* [`62ea4bd`]( Build: add node v16 (#33) (薛定谔的猫)
* [`7c43d77`]( Chore: add tests for built-in rules config schema validation (fixes #15) (#31) (Milos Djermanovic)
* [`d8ea601`]( Chore: Test on Node 15.x (#30) (Milos Djermanovic)
* [`0b2f80d`]( Chore: lint test files (#18) (Milos Djermanovic)
v0.4.0 - February 27, 2021
* [`d9a527b`]( New: Implement DotCompat class (#20) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
* [`dac76c0`]( Chore: Replace usage of lodash with cache set (#29) (Tim van der Lippe)
* [`3ae2d77`]( Update: add AggregateError global to es2021 environment (#28) (Milos Djermanovic)
v0.3.0 - January 15, 2021
* [`5184490`]( Upgrade: lodash@4.17.20 (#24) (Milos Djermanovic)
* [`f1179c5`]( Update: Implement missing functionality from ESLint port (fixes #12) (#23) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
v0.2.2 - December 5, 2020
* [`1746840`]( Fix: include loadRules in internalSlotsMap cache (#19) (Henry Q. Dineen)
* [`f30bb49`]( Chore: Test fixes for CascadingConfigArrayFactory (#17) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
* [`4440df8`]( Chore: Fix config-array tests (#16) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
* [`7890e02`]( Chore: Test fixes for config-array-factory.js (#13) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
v0.2.1 - October 26, 2020
* [`8b202ff`]( Fix: validate schema for built-in rules (#14) (Milos Djermanovic)
* [`04f3cae`]( Fix: cache compiled config schema (#9) (Milos Djermanovic)
v0.2.0 - October 16, 2020
* [`cb12255`]( Update: Allow eslint:all and eslint:recommended paths to be passed in (#11) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
* [`a75bacd`]( Chore: use GitHub Actions (#10) (Milos Djermanovic)
v0.1.3 - September 1, 2020
* [`8647a61`]( Fix: version number and eslint-release version (refs #6) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 ESLint
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# ESLintRC Library
This repository contains the legacy ESLintRC configuration file format for ESLint.
**Note:** This package is not intended for use outside of the ESLint ecosystem. It is ESLint-specific and not intended for use in other programs.
## Installation
You can install the package as follows:
npm install @eslint/eslintrc --save-dev
# or
yarn add @eslint/eslintrc -D
## Future Usage
**Note:** This package is not intended for public use at this time. The following is an example of how it will be used in the future.
The primary class in this package is `FlatCompat`, which is a utility to translate ESLintRC-style configs into flat configs. Here's how you use it inside of your `eslint.config.js` file:
import { FlatCompat } from "@eslint/eslintrc";
const compat = new FlatCompat();
export default [
// mimic ESLintRC-style extends
compat.extends("standard", "example"),
// mimic environments
es2020: true,
node: true
// mimic plugins
compat.plugins("airbnb", "react"),
// translate an entire config
plugins: ["airbnb", "react"],
extends: "standard",
env: {
es2020: true,
node: true
rules: {
semi: "error"
## License
MIT License
* @fileoverview Defines a schema for configs.
* @author Sylvan Mably
"use strict";
const baseConfigProperties = {
$schema: { type: "string" },
env: { type: "object" },
extends: { $ref: "#/definitions/stringOrStrings" },
globals: { type: "object" },
overrides: {
type: "array",
items: { $ref: "#/definitions/overrideConfig" },
additionalItems: false
parser: { type: ["string", "null"] },
parserOptions: { type: "object" },
plugins: { type: "array" },
processor: { type: "string" },
rules: { type: "object" },
settings: { type: "object" },
noInlineConfig: { type: "boolean" },
reportUnusedDisableDirectives: { type: "boolean" },
ecmaFeatures: { type: "object" } // deprecated; logs a warning when used
const configSchema = {
definitions: {
stringOrStrings: {
oneOf: [
{ type: "string" },
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
additionalItems: false
stringOrStringsRequired: {
oneOf: [
{ type: "string" },
type: "array",
items: { type: "string" },
additionalItems: false,
minItems: 1
// Config at top-level.
objectConfig: {
type: "object",
properties: {
root: { type: "boolean" },
ignorePatterns: { $ref: "#/definitions/stringOrStrings" },
additionalProperties: false
// Config in `overrides`.
overrideConfig: {
type: "object",
properties: {
excludedFiles: { $ref: "#/definitions/stringOrStrings" },
files: { $ref: "#/definitions/stringOrStringsRequired" },
required: ["files"],
additionalProperties: false
$ref: "#/definitions/objectConfig"
module.exports = configSchema;
* @fileoverview Defines environment settings and globals.
* @author Elan Shanker
"use strict";
// Requirements
const globals = require("globals");
// Helpers
* Get the object that has difference.
* @param {Record<string,boolean>} current The newer object.
* @param {Record<string,boolean>} prev The older object.
* @returns {Record<string,boolean>} The difference object.
function getDiff(current, prev) {
const retv = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(current)) {
if (!, key)) {
retv[key] = value;
return retv;
const newGlobals2015 = getDiff(globals.es2015, globals.es5); // 19 variables such as Promise, Map, ...
const newGlobals2017 = {
Atomics: false,
SharedArrayBuffer: false
const newGlobals2020 = {
BigInt: false,
BigInt64Array: false,
BigUint64Array: false,
globalThis: false
const newGlobals2021 = {
AggregateError: false,
FinalizationRegistry: false,
WeakRef: false
// Public Interface
/** @type {Map<string, import("../lib/shared/types").Environment>} */
module.exports = new Map(Object.entries({
// Language
builtin: {
globals: globals.es5
es6: {
globals: newGlobals2015,
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 6
es2015: {
globals: newGlobals2015,
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 6
es2017: {
globals: { ...newGlobals2015, ...newGlobals2017 },
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 8
es2020: {
globals: { ...newGlobals2015, ...newGlobals2017, ...newGlobals2020 },
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 11
es2021: {
globals: { ...newGlobals2015, ...newGlobals2017, ...newGlobals2020, ...newGlobals2021 },
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 12
// Platforms
browser: {
globals: globals.browser
node: {
globals: globals.node,
parserOptions: {
ecmaFeatures: {
globalReturn: true
"shared-node-browser": {
globals: globals["shared-node-browser"]
worker: {
globals: globals.worker
serviceworker: {
globals: globals.serviceworker
// Frameworks
commonjs: {
globals: globals.commonjs,
parserOptions: {
ecmaFeatures: {
globalReturn: true
amd: {
globals: globals.amd
mocha: {
globals: globals.mocha
jasmine: {
globals: globals.jasmine
jest: {
globals: globals.jest
phantomjs: {
globals: globals.phantomjs
jquery: {
globals: globals.jquery
qunit: {
globals: globals.qunit
prototypejs: {
globals: globals.prototypejs
shelljs: {
globals: globals.shelljs
meteor: {
globals: globals.meteor
mongo: {
globals: globals.mongo
protractor: {
globals: globals.protractor
applescript: {
globals: globals.applescript
nashorn: {
globals: globals.nashorn
atomtest: {
globals: globals.atomtest
embertest: {
globals: globals.embertest
webextensions: {
globals: globals.webextensions
greasemonkey: {
globals: globals.greasemonkey
* @fileoverview Stub eslint:all config
* @author Nicholas C. Zakas
"use strict";
module.exports = {
settings: {
"eslint:all": true
* @fileoverview Stub eslint:recommended config
* @author Nicholas C. Zakas
"use strict";
module.exports = {
settings: {
"eslint:recommended": true
* @fileoverview `ConfigDependency` class.
* `ConfigDependency` class expresses a loaded parser or plugin.
* If the parser or plugin was loaded successfully, it has `definition` property
* and `filePath` property. Otherwise, it has `error` property.
* When `JSON.stringify()` converted a `ConfigDependency` object to a JSON, it
* omits `definition` property.
* `ConfigArrayFactory` creates `ConfigDependency` objects when it loads parsers
* or plugins.
* @author Toru Nagashima <>
"use strict";
const util = require("util");
* The class is to store parsers or plugins.
* This class hides the loaded object from `JSON.stringify()` and `console.log`.
* @template T
class ConfigDependency {
* Initialize this instance.
* @param {Object} data The dependency data.
* @param {T} [data.definition] The dependency if the loading succeeded.
* @param {Error} [data.error] The error object if the loading failed.
* @param {string} [data.filePath] The actual path to the dependency if the loading succeeded.
* @param {string} The ID of this dependency.
* @param {string} data.importerName The name of the config file which loads this dependency.
* @param {string} data.importerPath The path to the config file which loads this dependency.
definition = null,
error = null,
filePath = null,
}) {
* The loaded dependency if the loading succeeded.
* @type {T|null}
this.definition = definition;
* The error object if the loading failed.
* @type {Error|null}
this.error = error;
* The loaded dependency if the loading succeeded.
* @type {string|null}
this.filePath = filePath;
* The ID of this dependency.
* @type {string}
*/ = id;
* The name of the config file which loads this dependency.
* @type {string}
this.importerName = importerName;
* The path to the config file which loads this dependency.
* @type {string}
this.importerPath = importerPath;
// eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/require-description
* @returns {Object} a JSON compatible object.
toJSON() {
const obj = this[util.inspect.custom]();
// Display `error.message` (`Error#message` is unenumerable).
if (obj.error instanceof Error) {
obj.error = { ...obj.error, message: obj.error.message };
return obj;
// eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/require-description
* @returns {Object} an object to display by `console.log()`.
[util.inspect.custom]() {
const {
definition: _ignore, // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
} = this;
return obj;
/** @typedef {ConfigDependency<import("../../shared/types").Parser>} DependentParser */
/** @typedef {ConfigDependency<import("../../shared/types").Plugin>} DependentPlugin */
module.exports = { ConfigDependency };
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