Commit 41f16bb3 authored by Joe TS Dell's avatar Joe TS Dell
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parent 56332509
Pipeline #3663 passed with stage
in 18 seconds
......@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "T. Santhanavanich"
"project_year_start": "2019",
"project_year_end": "2019",
"project_is_on_going": false,
"keywords":["CityGML","3D GIS","GIS Analyst","Urban Analytics"],
"description_en":"The VISION ZERO is an application for safety routing with the visualization of 3D grid and heatmap. Developed at hackathon event 'Neue Wege für die Mobilität in Augsburg'. (24 hours time limited)",
......@@ -26,6 +29,9 @@
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "T. Santhanavanich"
"project_year_start": "2018",
"project_year_end": "2021",
"project_is_on_going": false,
"keywords":["SensorThings API","CityGML","GIS Analyst","3D GIS","GIS Analyst", "Urban Analytics"],
"description_en":"The 3D E-bike Tracking is a 3D web-based visual analytics application designed showing various parameters from sensor systems equipped on the E-bike sharing system in the study area of a city of Stuttgart, Germany.",
......@@ -45,6 +51,9 @@
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "T. Santhanavanich"
"project_year_start": "2020",
"project_year_end": "2022",
"project_is_on_going": true,
"keywords":["CityGML","3D GIS","GIS Analyst","Urban Analytics"],
"description_en":"The VISION ZERO is an application for safety routing with the visualization of 3D grid and heatmap. Developed at hackathon event 'Neue Wege für die Mobilität in Augsburg'. (24 hours time limited)",
......@@ -63,6 +72,9 @@
"firstName": "Sven",
"lastName": "Schneider"
"project_year_start": "2018",
"project_year_end": "2021",
"project_is_on_going": false,
"keywords":["CityGML","3D GIS","GIS Analyst","Urban Analytics"],
"description_en":"The VISION ZERO is an application for safety routing with the visualization of 3D grid and heatmap. Developed at hackathon event 'Neue Wege für die Mobilität in Augsburg'. (24 hours time limited)",
......@@ -81,6 +93,9 @@
"firstName": "Justin ",
"lastName": "Jing Hui"
"project_year_start": "2020",
"project_year_end": "2021",
"project_is_on_going": false,
"keywords":["Augmented Reality","Urban Planning"],
"description_en":"This thesis aims to develop an outdoor mobile AR application that visualizes the urban environment using the mentioned grayscale masking filters.",
......@@ -99,6 +114,9 @@
"firstName": "Patrick",
"lastName": "Würstle"
"project_year_start": "2018",
"project_year_end": "2024",
"project_is_on_going": true,
"keywords":["CityGML","Participation","Acoustic","Urban Analytics","3D Visualization"],
"description_en":"The Kesselkompass platform is an Application developed in the M4_Lab for public participation and the visualization of acoustic, energy, and mobility.",
......@@ -117,6 +135,9 @@
"firstName": "Patrick",
"lastName": "Würstle"
"project_year_start": "2018",
"project_year_end": "2020",
"project_is_on_going": false,
"keywords":["CityGML","3D Visualization", "3D Portrayal Service"],
"description_en":"This Example Application shows the visualization of 3D Tiles content such as Buildings and trees served over a 3D Portrayal Service.",
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