Commit 77b55779 authored by Volker Coors's avatar Volker Coors
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parent e56f4d5d
Pipeline #3826 passed with stage
in 22 seconds
"item": {
"title": "Concept and Evaluation of heating demand prediction based on 3D city models and the Energy ADE – case study Helsinki",
"project": "Master Thesis",
......@@ -13,13 +13,12 @@
"project_is_on_going": false,
"keywords":["SimStadt","CityGML", "Urban Simulation"],
"description_en":"The City of Helsinki aims to be carbon neutral by 2035. As the heating of buildings causes the greatest portion of greenhouse gas emission in Helsinki, more energy-efficient buildings may be the key to achieving this goal. In this work, the developed concept enables the simulation and further prediction of the heating demand and resulting CO2 emissions based on a 3D city model in various scenarios.",
"description_de":"Die STadt Helsinki strebt an, bis 2035 klimaneutral zu werden. In der Arbeit wurden auf Basis eines 3D-Stadtmodells verschiedene Szenarien zur Wärmeversorgung simuliert. Dabei wurde zur Simulation die an der HFT entwickelte Software SimStadt eingesetzt."
"description_en":"The City of Helsinki aims to be carbon neutral by 2035. As the heating of buildings causes the greatest portion of greenhouse gas emission in Helsinki, more energy-efficient buildings may be the key to achieving this goal. In this work, the developed concept enables the simulation and further prediction of the heating demand and resulting CO2 emissions based on a 3D city model in various scenarios.",
"description_de":"Die STadt Helsinki strebt an, bis 2035 klimaneutral zu werden. In der Arbeit wurden auf Basis eines 3D-Stadtmodells verschiedene Szenarien zur Wärmeversorgung simuliert. Dabei wurde zur Simulation die an der HFT entwickelte Software SimStadt eingesetzt."
"refIndex": 5,
"links": {
"demo": ""
"publication": ""
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