Commit 94704046 authored by hdastageeri's avatar hdastageeri
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Adding YouTube link to project "Occlusion Screening using 3D city models as a...

Adding YouTube link to project "Occlusion Screening using 3D city models as a reference database for mobile AR-Applications"
parent 739bc9f0
Pipeline #6145 passed with stage
in 17 seconds
......@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
"description_de": "Die Erstellung eines immersiven Augmented Reality (AR)-Erlebnisses erfordert die Abstimmung der digitalen Inhalte mit der realen Umgebung. Insbesondere die Position und Okklusion sind entscheidende Aspekte. Dabei ist es notwendig, dass digitale Objekte von realen Objekten verdeckt werden."
"links": {
"publication": "content/muhamamd/1_PG3_Alfakhori_Muhamamd_MasterThesis.pdf"
"publication": "content/muhamamd/1_PG3_Alfakhori_Muhamamd_MasterThesis.pdf",
"youtube": ""
"refIndex": 14
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