update item wind simulation
update item wind simulation
item: 3D Wind Simulation iCity Project
bitte mal anschauen: link geht auf ein Simson Video, Beschreibung passt auch nicht.
zu iCity würde ich ein item zu deiner Visualisierungsseite anlegen, und auf die Journal Publikation verlinken
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0assigned to @thunyathep.santhanavanich
- Owner
@thunyathep.santhanavanich is there a reason why "3D Wind Simulation iCity Project" link goes to HypnoTode on youtube? can you please change it to urbanvis.hft-stuttgart.de . thanks The subdomain should be available soon.
- Maintainer
lol, I think Patrick added it for testing purposes. I just update it to urbanvis.hft-stuttgart.de. However, this subdomain seems not working yet.
- Owner
yes, it should work next week.
- Owner
if you don't like broken links you can point it to https://transfer.hft-stuttgart.de/pages/sven.schneider/urbanvis/ for now but hopefully it will not take them too long
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I have updated links to the visualization project and journal for this item.
- Owner
okay, thanks
- Owner
one more thing, can you please update the thumbnail image to this one here
- Maintainer
Yeah, sure I just did. By the way, I would not always respond to updating everyone's content in the future. You may try following the guide I have written here. Feel free to give comments about this guide too :-)
- Owner
sure and thanks.
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