Commit eeaa8def authored by Ratnadeep Rajendra Kharade's avatar Ratnadeep Rajendra Kharade
Browse files

added comments for improved readability

parent 4ddfbc5f
// Object which stores all the user selected/entered values
let inputObj = {
textChoice: 'manual',
text: '',
textLength: '',
readerLevel: '',
readerCategory: ''
textChoice: 'manual', // choice of text entry initially set as manual. Can have values manual, calculated
text: '', // User entered text in case of manual
textLength: '', // number of characters in text. Either from user enetered text or user entered number
readerLevel: '', // Value of reader level selected from dropdown
readerCategory: '' // Value of reader category selected from dropdown
// function handleTextRadioClick: responsible for showing or hiding text input / text length input based on selected option
function handleTextRadioClick() {
let textChoice = document.querySelector('input[name="text-input-option"]:checked').value;
inputObj.textChoice = textChoice;
// function toggleElement: hides/shows the html element based on current visibility.
// accepts value of id attribute of element as parameter
function toggleElement(id) {
let x = document.getElementById(id);
if ( === "none") { = "block";
let element = document.getElementById(id);
if ( === "none") { = "block";
} else { = "none"; = "none";
// function handleTextAreaChange: captures the changes as user enters the text and gets the length
// and sets number of characters to property textLength on inputObj
function handleTextAreaChange() {
let value = document.getElementById("manual-text-entry").value;
value = value.trim();
......@@ -32,23 +40,23 @@ function handleTextAreaChange() {
document.getElementById("calculatedTextCharacters").setAttribute('value', characters)
// function handleCharacterInputChange: captures changes in number of characters input field
// and sets number of characters to property textLength on inputObj
function handleCharacterInputChange() {
let value = document.getElementById("inputTextCharacters").value;
// function setCharacterLength: sets number of characters to property textLength on inputObj
function setCharacterLength(characters) {
inputObj.textLength = characters;
console.log('Character length: ' + inputObj.textLength);
inputObj.textLength = parseInt(characters);
function calculateReadingTime() {
if (isFormValid()) {
let x = document.getElementById('calculate-time-element'); = "block";
// function isFormValid: checks for mandatory input fields and validates te form
// returns true if all values are filled else returns false
// also shows error messages for respective inputs fields
function isFormValid() {
let invalidFields = 0;
if (inputObj.textChoice === 'manual' && inputObj.text === '') {
......@@ -80,20 +88,47 @@ function isFormValid() {
return invalidFields < 1
// function showFeedbackForm: displays feedback form when calculation is done
function showFeedbackForm() {
let x = document.getElementById('feedback-form'); = "block";
let element = document.getElementById('feedback-form'); = "block";
// function readerLevelChangeEvent: listens for change in reader level dropdown
// and sets selected value to property readerLevel on inputObj
function readerLevelChangeEvent(event) {
inputObj.readerLevel =;
// function readerCategoryChangeEvent: listens for change in reader category dropdown
// and sets selected value to property readerCategory on inputObj
function readerCategoryChangeEvent(event) {
inputObj.readerCategory =;
// function calculateReadingTime: This function is responsible for calculating reading time
// reading time can be calculated if all inputs are valid
function calculateReadingTime() {
if (isFormValid()) {
//variable x which holds final reading time in minutes
let x = 0;
// TODO: logic or algorithm for calulating reading time goes here
// inputObj.textLength has number of characters (number data type)
// inputObj.readerLevel has level of reader (string data type)
// inputObj.readerCategory has category of reader (string data type)
// display html element which shows time
let element = document.getElementById('calculate-time-element'); = "block";
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