Commit 6c3a6aad authored by Karakas's avatar Karakas
Browse files


parent 8d1839d8
......@@ -24,17 +24,17 @@
4. Confirm with ```npm -v```. The result should look similar to ```10.7.0```
## How to start this application
1. Open up a terminal
2. Type: ./mvnw spring-boot:run
3. Open up another terminal
4. Type: cd frontend
5. If running for the first time
1. Open up project in VSCode
2. Open up a terminal
3. Type: ```./mvnw spring-boot:run```
4. Open up another terminal
5. Type: ```cd frontend```
6. If running for the first time
Type: npm install
6. Type: npm run start (dev) / npm run build (production)
7. Type: ```npm run start``` (for dev) / ```npm run build``` (for production)
## How to stop this application
1. Go to both Terminals
2. Press Ctrl + C
3. Type: j
2. Press ```Ctrl + C```
3. Type: ```j```
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