"...git@transfer.hft-stuttgart.de:citydoctor/citydoctor2.git" did not exist on "b5189bb79f481d033f40319be6670b971e88e901"
Commit 313d0081 authored by Riegel's avatar Riegel
Browse files

Refactor: Rework parsing of CityGmlZipEntry

2 merge requests!28Version 3.17.0 Release,!26Add ZIP-archive support
Showing with 52 additions and 19 deletions
+52 -19
......@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipFile;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
......@@ -189,28 +191,61 @@ public class CityGmlParser {
public static CityDoctorModel parseCityGmlStream(InputStream is, ParserConfiguration config)
throws CityGmlParseException, InvalidGmlFileException {
return parseCityGmlStream(is, config, null, null);
public static CityDoctorModel parseCityGmlZipEntry(ZipEntry entry, ZipFile archive, ParserConfiguration config)
throws CityGmlParseException, InvalidGmlFileException, IOException {
CityGMLContext context = getContext();
public static CityDoctorModel parseCityGmlStream(InputStream is, ParserConfiguration config, ProgressListener l)
throws CityGmlParseException, InvalidGmlFileException {
return parseCityGmlStream(is, config, l, null);
if (config.getValidate()) {
InputStream vis = archive.getInputStream(entry);
List<String> messages = validateStream(vis,context);
if (!messages.isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidGmlFileException("Invalid GML File. First error: \n" + messages.get(0));
InputStream is = archive.getInputStream(entry);
return parseCityGmlStream(is, config, context);
public static CityDoctorModel parseCityGmlStream(InputStream is, ParserConfiguration config, ProgressListener l,
GMLValidationHandler handler) throws CityGmlParseException, InvalidGmlFileException {
CityGMLContext context = getContext();
private static List<String> validateStream(InputStream vis, CityGMLContext context) throws CityGmlParseException {
GMLValidationHandler handler = new GMLValidationHandler();
if (config.getValidate()) {
//TODO: Think of something to XML-validate Inputstream
try {
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(vis);
SchemaHandler schemaHandler = new ValidationSchemaHandler(context.getDefaultSchemaHandler());
readAdditionalSchemaDefinitions(context, bis, schemaHandler);
Source[] schemas = schemaHandler.getSchemas();
SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
schemaFactory.setFeature("http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl", true);
Schema schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(schemas);
Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
validator.validate(new StreamSource(bis));
return handler.getMessages();
} catch (SchemaHandlerException | SAXException | IOException e) {
throw new CityGmlParseException("Failed to validate CityGML file", e);
//XML validation requires looking at nesting of tags
//not a problem for small files, but big files will run into memory limit and crash
// Maybe do it dirty by writing stream to temp file and passing it to parseCityGmlFile()?
throw new InvalidGmlFileException("Invalid GML File.");
private static void readAdditionalSchemaDefinitions(CityGMLContext context, BufferedInputStream bis, SchemaHandler schemaHandler)
throws CityGmlParseException {
try (XMLReader reader = XMLReaderFactory.newInstance(context.getXMLObjects())
.createReader(bis)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CityGmlParseException("Failed to read Schema from stream.", e);
public static CityDoctorModel parseCityGmlStream(InputStream is, ParserConfiguration config, CityGMLContext context)
throws CityGmlParseException {
return parseCityGmlStream(is, config, null, context);
public static CityDoctorModel parseCityGmlStream(InputStream is, ParserConfiguration config, ProgressListener l, CityGMLContext context)
throws CityGmlParseException {
try {
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipFile;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
public class CityGmlZipEntry {
......@@ -31,9 +30,8 @@ public class CityGmlZipEntry {
return new ErroneousEntry(entry, ZipEntryErrorType.EXCESSIVE_FILESIZE);
} else {
try {
InputStream is = archive.getInputStream(entry);
CityDoctorModel model = CityGmlParser.parseCityGmlStream(is, config);
CityDoctorModel model = CityGmlParser.parseCityGmlZipEntry(entry, archive, config);
return new CityGmlZipEntry(entry.getName(), model);
} catch (CityGmlParseException | InvalidGmlFileException e) {
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