Commit 3e876b61 authored by JOE XMG's avatar JOE XMG
Browse files


parent 94704046
Pipeline #6177 passed with stage
in 19 seconds
"liveServer.settings.port": 5501
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -68,6 +68,29 @@
"repo": ""
"item": {
"title": "GIS-based method for PV Potentials Simulation at Regional Scale",
"project": "EnSysLE",
"author": {
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "T. Santhanavanich",
"hftURL": ""
"project_year_start": "2021",
"project_year_end": "2022",
"project_is_on_going": true,
"imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/gis.jpg",
"keywords": ["CityGML", "Energy Simulation","Building Energy", "CityGML", "Heat Demand Simulation"],
"description_en": "This work introduces a bottom-up GIS-based method for simulation of ground-mounted PV potentials based on digital landscape models that consider terrain slope, orientation, location-specific irradiation, and land use type, and combines this geoinformatical information with a PV yield model that allows to assess hourly PV generation potential on suitable areas.",
"description_de": "This work introduces a bottom-up GIS-based method for simulation of ground-mounted PV potentials based on digital landscape models that consider terrain slope, orientation, location-specific irradiation, and land use type, and combines this geoinformatical information with a PV yield model that allows to assess hourly PV generation potential on suitable areas."
"refIndex": 5,
"links": {
"project": "",
"publication": ""
"item": {
"title": "COVID-STA",
......@@ -324,29 +347,6 @@
"project": ""
"item": {
"title": "BW Christmas Market 2021",
"project": "Hobby Project",
"author": {
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "T. Santhanavanich",
"hftURL": ""
"project_year_start": "2019",
"project_year_end": "2021",
"project_is_on_going": false,
"imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/ch_bw_2021.jpg",
"keywords": ["Christmas Market"],
"description_en": "The lightweight web map of Christmas markets in BW 2021 with updated Corona Rules, opening hours, link to the official website, etc is developed to help people plan to visit the Christmas market during this Covid situation - fast-changing regulation.",
"description_de": "Die leichtgewichtige Webkarte der Weihnachtsmärkte in BW 2021 mit aktualisierten Corona-Regeln, Öffnungszeiten, Link zur offiziellen Website usw. wurde entwickelt, um den Menschen zu helfen, den Besuch des Weihnachtsmarktes während dieser Covid-Situation zu planen - sich schnell ändernde Vorschriften. "
"links": {
"demo": "",
"project": ""
"refIndex": 6
"item": {
"title": "Smart Villages 3D Application ",
......@@ -47,4 +47,27 @@
"refIndex": 3
"item": {
"title": "BW Christmas Market 2021",
"project": "Hobby Project",
"author": {
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "T. Santhanavanich",
"hftURL": ""
"project_year_start": "2019",
"project_year_end": "2021",
"project_is_on_going": false,
"imageLink": "imgs/thumbnails/ch_bw_2021.jpg",
"keywords": ["Christmas Market"],
"description_en": "The lightweight web map of Christmas markets in BW 2021 with updated Corona Rules, opening hours, link to the official website, etc is developed to help people plan to visit the Christmas market during this Covid situation - fast-changing regulation.",
"description_de": "Die leichtgewichtige Webkarte der Weihnachtsmärkte in BW 2021 mit aktualisierten Corona-Regeln, Öffnungszeiten, Link zur offiziellen Website usw. wurde entwickelt, um den Menschen zu helfen, den Besuch des Weihnachtsmarktes während dieser Covid-Situation zu planen - sich schnell ändernde Vorschriften. "
"links": {
"demo": "",
"project": ""
"refIndex": 6
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