Commit 5bc88988 authored by Wolfgang Knopki's avatar Wolfgang Knopki
Browse files

Update headfoot.js - fixed relative links

parent 515351cf
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ function head() {
let link_m4lab = document.createElement('a');
link_m4lab.href = "/";
link_m4lab.innerHTML = "<img src='img/header/Logozeile_Header.png' alt='Logo Innovationslabor M4_LAB'>";
link_m4lab.innerHTML = "<img src='/img/header/Logozeile_Header.png' alt='Logo Innovationslabor M4_LAB'>";
// navigation header - toggle button menu for mobile devices
let togglebutton = document.createElement('button');
......@@ -152,11 +152,11 @@ function foot() {
let bmbf = document.createElement('div');
bmbf.innerHTML = "<img src='img/footer/Innovative_Hochschule_Initiative_BMBF_GWK_RGB.png' alt='Innovative Hochschule' style='height:90px'/>"
bmbf.innerHTML = "<img src='/img/footer/Innovative_Hochschule_Initiative_BMBF_GWK_RGB.png' alt='Innovative Hochschule' style='height:90px'/>"
let m4labgrau = document.createElement('div');
m4labgrau.innerHTML = "<img src='img/footer/M4_LAB_LOGO_Graustufen.png' alt='M4_LAB' style='height:80px'/>"
m4labgrau.innerHTML = "<img src='/img/footer/M4_LAB_LOGO_Graustufen.png' alt='M4_LAB' style='height:80px'/>"
// socmed
let socialdiv = document.createElement('div');
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