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<h2 class="d-flex flex-column order-1 justify-content-lg-start text-center" style="padding-top: 15px;color: #708090;"><strong>Arbeiten mit der Hochleistungsrechenplattform</strong></h2>
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<small>Zugang zum Dienst</small></a>
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To access the High-Performance Computing platform, one must have registered themselves with the organization that provides such services. In our case, users must have to register themselves with KIT. It is an organization that is providing services to access the high-performance cluster sponsored by Baden-Württemberg. Please visit the link: <a href="" target="_blank">how to register</a> to get the registration done.
<img style="width:100%" src="img/hpc/bwhpc.JPG" alt="hpc picture here">
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<small>Anbinden an den HPC Dienst</small></a>
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Here some basic information that you need to establish connection to the cluster to run your computation tasks over there And that there are two different approaches, one using a templated prepared by us and one to implement the connection from scratch.
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<small>Verwenden eines Templates zur Anbindung an den HCP Dienst</small></a>
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<p>We introduce a state of the art template-based approach using Gitlab-CI/CD in which the user has to copy the predefined template (link of an HPC test project that contains predefined template) where the user has to provide information such as login information, module, or application repository, objective and/or set of resources required to compute information and etc. over HPC-platform. We have already presented this approach at a scientific conference. For further information please read out our published work which explains concretely with a use-case study.
<br/>for more information.
<img style="width:100%" src="img/hpc/tempapproach.png" alt="template base appraoch">
<br/>1. COaaS:Continuous Integration and Delivery framework for HPC using Gitlab-Runner, BDIOT2020, the fourth international conference on Big Data, Singapore.
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<small>Anbindung an den HCP Dienst ohne Template</small></a>
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In a non-template-based approach, after login, the user must follow the appropriate instruction given in the following link: <a href="" target="_blank"> non-template-based instruction</a>, that is suitable for their application to compute over the HPC-platform. These instructions may contain(s) software-module(s), different compilers, numerical libraries, etc.
<img style="width:100%" src="img/hpc/nontemp.png" alt="non template appraoch">
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<small>Ausführen einer Simulation</small></a>
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Information about how to run simulation on HPCC platform is available on the following link <a href="" target="_blank" >BwHPC Best Practices</a>. To get HPC services efficiently, It is recommended that you should have sufficient knowledge about parallel-programming, batch jobs, software module, compiler, numerical libraries. The best practices repository of Baden-Württemberg's high performance computing (bwHPC) covers generic high performance computing user guides and science specific HPC best practice guides (BPG).
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