Commit cf723a74 authored by Wolfgang Knopki's avatar Wolfgang Knopki
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Merge branch 'M4LAB-423' into 'testing'

Update hpc.html div ids reset

See merge request !99
parents b556d482 4d51055c
Pipeline #2784 passed with stage
in 8 seconds
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<small>Anbinden an den HPC Dienst</small></a>
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Here some basic information that you need to establish connection to the cluster to run your computation tasks over there And that there are two different approaches, one using a templated prepared by us and one to implement the connection from scratch.
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<small>Anbindung an den HCP Dienst ohne Template</small></a>
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In a non-template-based approach, after login, the user must follow the appropriate instruction given in the following link: <a href="" target="_blank"> non-template-based instruction</a>, that is suitable for their application to compute over the HPC-platform. These instructions may contain(s) software-module(s), different compilers, numerical libraries, etc.
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<small>Ausführen einer Simulation</small></a>
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Information about how to run simulation on HPCC platform is available on the following link <a href="" target="_blank" >BwHPC Best Practices</a>. To get HPC services efficiently, It is recommended that you should have sufficient knowledge about parallel-programming, batch jobs, software module, compiler, numerical libraries. The best practices repository of Baden-Württemberg's high performance computing (bwHPC) covers generic high performance computing user guides and science specific HPC best practice guides (BPG).
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