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Created with Raphaël 2.2.013Oct1230Sep28241523Jul9621May1917764323Apr221396131Mar2318128Jan21Dec169419Nov6329Oct2823201323Sep1828Aug20Jul1613109832122Jun27May2619181514139727Apr211796327Mar25242313Feb24Jan2311Dec106422Nov128724Oct2217Jul27Jun19181714431MayMerge branch 'MLAB-584' into 'testing'Update participation menuMerge branch 'MLAB-576' into 'testing'add a new functionMerge branch 'MLAB-605' into 'testing'Update gitlab-pages.html, added hint to shared runnersMerge branch 'MLAB-600' into 'master'Restore Wissensaustausch.jpgMerge branch 'MLAB-580' into 'testing'change wording in gitlab-pages section, moved faq to bottomMerge branch 'MLAB-589' into 'testing'added contaft section to help overviewMerge branch 'MLAB-547' into 'testing'removed height from css to better fit to the bottomMerge branch 'MLAB-577' into 'testing'added missing imagesMerge branch 'MLAB-577' into 'testing'restored files, renamed links to publicplusMerge branch 'MLAB-547-fix' into 'testing'fixed display issues with cookie bannerMerge branch 'MLAB-547' into 'testing'added cookie banner with link to HfT Datenschutz pageMerge branch 'prepare_prod' into 'master'merged testingMerge branch 'MLAB-507-fix' into 'testing'Update videoconference.htmlMerge branch 'MLAB-507' into 'testing'Update videoconference.htmlMerge branch 'MLAB-534' into 'testing'Update hpc.html, hcp typo to hpcMerge branch 'MLAB-532' into 'testing'Update headfoot.jsMerge branch 'prepare_prod' into 'master'removed hpc from buergerbeteiligung, other location pending further discussionmerged testing into prepare_prod, resolved conflictsMerge branch 'M4LAB-423' into 'testing'Update info_hpc.htmlproject alignment update on info_hpc.htmlno image Frau Pado project Update info_hpc.htmlupdate frau Pado project information on info_hpc.html